The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [319–322]^

Director of the Prime Minister’s Office, Mordechai Gazit, 15 June 1973,” CWIHP e-Dos-
sier, no. 31,
israeli-negotiations. Guy Laron’s description of this document, “secret Soviet–Israeli nego-
tiations,” is overstated: unlike Primakov’s visit, the arrival of “Louis who is said to have
contacts in the Kremlin” was publicized before this talk; UPI, “Soviet Journalist Arrives
in Israel,” Star-News (Wilmington, NC), 14 July 1973, p. 10. The transcript confirms that
Louis brought no specific message, and certainly did not conduct “negotiations.” His claim
that the Soviets discounted Arab prospects in a war conforms better to Lord’s description
of Louis’s mission, like Primakov’s, as deliberate disinformation (Lost Generation, p. 107).

  1. AC, Eban testimony, Part 2, p. 26.

  2. Memorandum of conversation, 23 June 1973, FRUS N-XXV, no. 72.

  3. Chazov charges that the cures urged upon Brezhnev by non-medical well-wishers led to
    depression and letharg y. At the summit, the doctor claims he dealt with this problem with-
    out giving it away—that is, without these medications—so that his patient was anything
    but drowsy, as confirmed by the Americans’ descriptions. Zdorov’e i vlast’, pp. 112–15,

  4. Memorandum for the president’s files by Kissinger, 23 June 1973, FRUS N-XXV, no. 73.

  5. AP, “US, Soviet Heads to Seek New Arms Curbs,” Leader-Herald (Gloversville-Johnstown,
    NY), 25 June 1973, p. 1.

  6. Bernard Gwertzman, “Brezhnev Leaves U.S. for France: Communique Cites Improved
    Relations,” NYT, 26 June 1973, p. 1.

  7. Hedrick Smith, “Nixon, Brezhnev End Summit,” NYT, 25 June 1973, p. 69.

  8. Kissinger, Years of Upheaval, pp. 297–8; Nixon, RN, p. 885.

  9. This assessment was endorsed by the AC. APR, p. 9.

  10. AC, APR, p. 9.

  11. Pernavsky, Arabo-izrail’skie voyny, pp. 107–8.

  12. Artillery headquarters of 16th Infantry Division to 395th Field Artillery Battalion,
    12 August 1973, CDE-IHC 54/11. The document refers to previous directives dating
    back to 31 July. A similar order (288/12), requiring reports of unauthorized visits by advis-
    ers, was issued at the brigade level on 7 September.

  13. Baev, “Bulgaria and the Middle East Conflict,” p. 35.

  14. AC, APR, p. 8.

  15. “Intelligence Memorandum Prepared in the Central Intelligence Agency,” June 1973,
    FRUS N-XXV, no. 66.

  16. Vladimir Agafonov, “Kto ukryl Rossiyu ‘teplym odeyalom neftedollarov’?,” Vr e m y a
    Novoste y, 198, 22 October 2003. Other sources put the delivery of the Scud system ear-
    lier, e.g., Eg yptian Lt-Gen. Bassam Kakish, who dates it at the beginning of the year.
    However, this may refer to the agreement for its sale; Parker, October War, p. 92.

  17. The writer describes a long career in Arab countries, ending at the rank of Lt-Col. Posting
    in response to a 2007 TV serial, Russky Perevod, 8 February 2009.

  18. AC, APR, pp. 8–9; Ze’ira and Tal, Myth versus Reality, p. 117.

  19. AC, Shalev testimony, p. 17.

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