The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1


pp. [342–345]^

  1. AC, final report, Part 1, pp. 210–12, 226, 233; testimony of Dan Shomron, p. 39.

  2. Michalson, Abirei lev, pp. 93, 110, 165–6.

  3. Intelligence report of 7 October 1973, 10:00 hours, quoted in AC final report, Part 4,
    p. 1250.

  4. AC, Sharon testimony, Part 1, pp. 55–8.

  5. “TV Profiles, Shows Lifetime Work of Top Russian Missile Designer,” Moscow Channel
    One TV, 23 May 2003, Russian Military and Security Media Coverage, 2326 (17 June

  6. Pochtarev, “Orden za ‘amerikantsa.’”

  7. Israeli reports credited the repulse of a T-62 formation’s crossing of the Bitter Lake to the
    far more antiquated Sherman tanks, upgraded and refitted with heavier guns.

  8. This and other captured Israeli armored vehicles were crudely painted in US colors and
    markings, and exhibited as booty from Vietnam (where only Australian forces operated
    Centurions, and none were reported lost). Sergey Prokopenko and Viktor Baranets,
    “Pokhishchenie ‘Tsenturiona,’” Komsomolsakaya Pravda, 27 May 1999; Isabella Ginor,
    Ha’aretz, 10 June 1999.

  9. Markovsky, Idite v zemlyu egipetskuyu.

  10. AC, APR, p. 132.

  11. “Israelis Capture Soviet Pilots,” Department of State Operations Center, Middle East Task
    Force, Situation report no. 67 as of 18:00 EDT 26 October 1973, NARA Nixon
    Presidential Materials, National Security Council Files, POW-MIA, box 1175, 1973
    M. East War, file 21. The authors thank Adi Frimark for sharing this document and her
    research on the POW issue (the IDF denied this report to her).

  12. Interview with former IDF reserve paratrooper, 22 April 2008. Another soldier in the
    same unit to whom he referred us could not confirm this version.

  13. IAF commander in briefing for Kissinger, 22 October 1973. Golan, Decision Making,
    p. 1146.

  14. AC, testimony of Shmu’el Gonen, Part 4, pp. 26, 29.

  15. Edgar O’Ballance, No Victor, No Vanquished: The Yom Kippur War, London: Barrie &
    Jenkins, 1979, p. 299.

  16. Agafonov, “Kto ukryl?”

  17. Posting on the 8th Army veterans’ website, 25 January 2012,
    logs/128-894-iap. Nikolay Bryantsev went on to command Air Defense forces in the
    Moscow District, retiring as Lt-Gen. A recent interview mentioned only that “during hos-
    tilities in Eg ypt, he ensured air defense.” Timur Suntsov, “General Bryantsev: Pervoe zna-
    komstvo,” 5 May 2012, (no longer accessible).

  18. Yisra’el Har’el (ed.), Abirei ha-lev: Hativat ha-tzanhanim bi-qeravot tzelihat te’alat Suez
    ve-kibbush gedatah ha-ma’aravit, Israel: Paratroop Brigade Foundation, 1974, p. 64.

  19. Conversation between Kissinger and Dinitz; WSAG Meeting, both 8 October 1973,
    FRUS N-XXV, no. 126, 131.

  20. Michalson, Abirei lev, pp. 257–8.

  21. Shazly, Crossing, pp. 177–8.

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