The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

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Chernyaev, Anatoly (CPSU official), 267,
269–70, 287, 306, 351–2, 439n24
Chervinsky, K. B. (Soviet political officer),
China, 69, 103–4, 154, 234, 237, 254,
406n51, 425n38, 449n13
Chistyakov (Soviet adviser), 86
Chuvakhin, Dmitry (Soviet diplomat), 15,
Cohen, Avner (Israeli historian), 347–8
Colby, William (CIA director), 276, 323,
336, 354, 452n22
Communist Party of Soviet Union
(CPSU), xvii, xxviii-xxiv, 4, 42, 105,
139, 195, 220, 301; Central Committee
(CC), xviii, 33, 102, 151, 301, 433n32;
CC Secretariat, xxiv, 5, 352; Control
Committee, 33, 102, 301; Politburo,
xvii-xviii, xxii-xxiv, 3–5, 12–15, 18, 27,
71, 113, 130, 133, 142–3, 152, 219,
234, 237, 247, 249, 260, 263, 293, 306,
313, 316, 324, 330, 339, 341, 351–2,
359, 433n32
Coral Sea (Israeli-operated tanker), 234,
Crete, 28, 57, 141–2, 377n84
Cyprus, 57–8, 201, 327, 424n12, 428n18
Czechoslovakia, xvi, xxiii, 9, 11, 62, 82–3,
99, 136, 154, 371n79, 388n30, 394n97

Dagan, Avigdor (Israeli diplomat), 31
Daigle, Craig (US historian), 20
Daily Telegraph (London), 142, 227,
296–7. See also Sunday Telegraph
Dakar. See submarines
Damascus, Syria, 9, 59, 311–2, 323–4, 329,
331, 341, 345–6, 348, 359–60,
Dayan, Moshe (Israeli defense minister), 4,
77, 235, 238, 316, 332, 404n21, 412,
416, 423n46, 49, 446; against Syria,
345; combat clashes with Soviets, 168,

175; Eg yptian preparations for war,
335; Israeli political rivalries, 26, 30, 87,
377n79; meeting with Soviet emissaries,
192, 197, 239–40, 433n33; NATO,
238, 239, 249, 433n36; and military
operations against Eg ypt, 25–6, 105,
182, 353; nuclear response, 347, 348,
464n2; occupied territories and peace
agreement, 202–3, 216–7, 219,
421–22n12, 434n37; on sinking of
Dakar, 58; relations with Soviet Union,
30, 296, 344n21; testimony before the
Agranat Commission, 71–2; and US
ambassador, 200; visit to the Suez
Canal, 87, 390n21; weapons develop-
ment, 245
De Gaulle, Charles (President of France),
104, 372n87, 397n20
Depth/deep penetration bombing. See
Dikusarov, Boris (Soviet pilot), 6
Dimona (Israeli nuclear facility), xiii,
223–4, 254, 349
Dinitz, Simcha (Israeli official and
diplomat), 235–6, 240, 313–4, 323, 345
Dmitriev, V.I. (Soviet marine officer), 118,
Dobrynin, Anatoly (Soviet diplomat),
accused US of failing to respond to offer
of bilateral talks, 174; “back channel”
meetings with Kissinger, xxiii, 102–4,
125, 143, 152–3, 156, 169, 174,
178–79, 205, 216–17, 228, 232–3, 253,
255, 256, 258, 284, 397n20, 427n10;
cease-fire offer, 157, 190, 201; commu-
nication through Nahum Goldmann,
98; comprehensive Middle East
settlement, 295; concerning an Israel air
and naval attack, 335–6; contrasting
accounts of conversation with Kissinger,
238; forewarning to Kissinger about the
Middle East issue, 101, 246, 247;
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