The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1

Shelepin, Aleksander (Soviet official), 120,
Shelest, Petro (Ukrainian CP leader), 4, 10,
13–6, 19, 28
Shengelaya, P.G. (Soviet aircraft designer),
Sherman (Israeli tank), 448n49, 463n40
Sherman, Arnold (Israeli writer), 206
Shevchenko, Anatoly (Soviet naval officer),
Shevchenko, Viktor (Soviet marine officer),
Shilka (ZSU–23–4, Soviet anti-aircraft
cannon), 130–1, 133, 136, 175, 189,
196, 208, 213, 222, 226, 279, 345,
421n1, 435n16, 444n21
Shirin, Vladimir (Soviet SAM officer), 19
Shirokorad, Aleksandr (Russian naval
historian), 38, 81, 379n25
Shishlakov, Gennady (Soviet serviceman),
130–1, 408n28
Shmonov, Aleksandr (Soviet pilot), 47
Shohat, Yigal (IAF pilot), 196, 420n21
Sholokhov, Mikhail (Soviet author), 225
Shrike (US missile), 203, 206, 241, 243–5
Sidqi, Aziz (Eg yptian prime minister),
267–70, 282, 295–7, 315
Siilasvuo, Ensio (UN Observers chief ),
Sikstulis, Janis (Soviet interpreter), 76
Sisco, Joseph (US official), 104, 125,
142–3, 147, 149, 152, 157, 168–9,
179–80, 204–5, 228–9, 233, 253, 333,
335–6, 403n2
Skobanev, Ivan (Soviet electronic-warfare
specialist), 189, 389n7
Skobanev, Valery (Soviet electronic-warfare
specialist), 189
Skyhawk. See A–4 Skyhawk
Smal’ta (Soviet radio jammer), 189
Smirnov, Aleksey (Soviet SAM com-
mander), xxv, 122, 133–4, 140, 142–4,
156, 158, 175–8196–7, 279, 406n53

“Smirnov, Aleksey,” presumed pen name.
See Krokhin, Boris
Sochnev, Vitaly (Soviet interpreter), 7
Sokolov, Sergey (Soviet defense official),
36, 41–2, 53, 378n18, 379n20, 380n52
Sonnenfeldt, Helmut (US official), 149,
205, 340–1
Soobrazitel’nyy (Soviet anti-submarine
ship), 57–8, 383n15
Soviet military formations:
5 th Eskadra (formerly “combined Es-
kadra”), 27–8, 29
8 th Air Defense Army Corps, 277, 344
18 th Air Defense Division, 134, 143,
154, 277, 364n44
63 rd Air Group, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227,
229, 230, 271, 428n15
90 th Naval Aviation Reconnaissance
Squadron, 142
154 th Special Air Detachment, 349
309 th OMBP (Marine Battalion), 22, 23
Baltic Sea Fleet, 22, 23, 27, 289, 290,
328, 375n42
Black Sea Fleet, 23, 27, 28, 61, 528,
383n15, 401n32
Northern Fleet, 22, 27, 145, 178, 327,
Pacific Fleet, 80
Spain, xxv, 140, 201, 273, 426n58
Special Forces (Eg yptian), 25, 56, 236
Spectator (London newspaper), 63
Spector, Yiftah (IAF pilot), 96, 207, 262
Spetznaz (Soviet special forces), 74, 140,
154, 189–90, 208, 278, 342–3, 351,
SR–71 (US spy plane), 213, 425n31
SS–12 (Soviet submarine-launched nuclear
missile), 70
Stavitsky, Petr (Soviet interpreter), 137–8
Stein, Kenneth (US historian), 284, 288
Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT),
102–3, 125, 159, 233
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