The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

(lily) #1

191, 202, 244, 230, 238, 245, 253–4,
297, 348–50, 352, 448n57, 454n53
Tel el-Kebir, Eg ypt, 145, 401n35
Tikochinsky, Leonid (Soviet naval officer),
Tito, Josip Broz (Yugoslav president), 7, 17,
Tkachev, Viktor (Russian military histo-
rian), 121–3
Tlas, Mustafa (Syrian defense minister),
Tököl, Hungary (Soviet airbase), 7, 60,
137, 225
Tolokonikov, Vasily (Soviet SAM officer),
184–5, 189–90, 195
Trofimov, Igor’ (Soviet radio technician),
Tskhaltubo (spa in Soviet Georgia), 74,
Tsoy, Oleg (Soviet pilot), 85, 194
Tu- (Tupolev), Soviet aircraft:
Tu–16 (Badger), 12, 41, 46–8, 60–1,
70, 74, 81, 142, 157, 178, 226, 242,
250, 289, 290, 317, 321, 349,
370n60, 380n57, 384–5n29–30
418n32, 427n12, 435n5, 440n37
Tu–22 440n37, 460n36
Tu–95 370n59
Turkey, 45, 46, 155, 341, 460n336
Turkish Straits (Bosporus and
Dardanelles), 30, 79, 80, 136, 155–6,
341, 391n27

U–2 (US spy plane), 200–2, 206, 213,
424n12, 425n31, 427–8n15, 431n21
Umm-Hashiba, Sinai, 162, 418n30,
United Kingdom, 57, 130, 149–50, 156,
165, 343, 450–1n37; “expulsion of
Soviets” from Eg ypt and, 268, 273, 281,
294, 297–8; U–2 flights and, 200–1,

United Nations General Assembly, 13, 67,
128, 246, 252
United Nations observers, 27, 29–30, 77,
85–6, 105, 108, 216, 393n75
United Nations Security Council, 29, 40,
46, 53, 336
United Press International (UPI), 8, 214,
United States Air Force (USAF), 7, 20, 29,
48, 177, 180–2, 200, 203, 424n12,
United States Navy Sixth Fleet, 24, 30, 40,
59–61, 80–1, 130, 242, 286, 299, 327,
376n76, 377n87, 435n5, 458n2
United States-Russia Joint Commission on
POWs and MIAs (USRJC), 185–6
Urwick, Alan (British diplomat and
intelligence officer), 268, 271, 273, 281,
Ustinov, Dmitry (Soviet munitions
production chief ), 120

Vagin, Aleksandr (Soviet air adviser), 258,
289, 326, 331
Vakhtin, Igor’ (Soviet interpreter), 220,
282–3, 288, 366n67
Vartanov, Valery (Russian military
historian), 132
Vasilenko, Viktor (Soviet naval missile
specialist), 145
Vasiliev, Aleksey (Russian historian), 341,
Vautour (Israeli aircraft), 46
Veligosha, Vsevolod (Soviet serviceman),
Vietnam, 11, 79, 97, 103, 112, 125, 140,
159, 161, 177, 180, 182, 186, 195–6,
233, 244, 259, 263, 266, 305–6, 308,
310, 361n2, 417–8n24, 463n41
Vinogradov, Sergey (Soviet diplomat), 15,
35–7, 43, 45–6, 53, 59, 118, 127–8,
147, 204, 372n87
Vinogradov, Vladimir (Soviet diplomat),
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