The Soviet-Israeli War, 1967–1973. The USSR’s Military Intervention in the Egyptian-Israeli Conflict

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    1. Return of the Foxbats viii

    1. Trial Balloons from Both Sides

    1. Flexing Muscles while Offering a Pullback

    1. Jockeying and Posturing

    1. The Deal at the Summit and the “Expulsion” Myth

    1. Withdrawn Regulars Conceal “Banished” Advisers

    1. Deception-on-Nile, July

    1. The Soviets “Return” in October

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    1. “We Can’t Control the Arabs but Must Support Them” “WE PREPARED THE WAR”

    1. “We Will Be Two Ismails”

    1. The Ultimate Test of Ashraf Marwan

    1. In the Thick of the Yom Kippur War

    1. The Soviet Nuclear Threat and Kissinger’s Defcon-3

  • Epilogue: So What Went Wrong, and When?

  • Notes

  • Bibliography

  • Index

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