
(Joyce) #1
“These smaller pieces of the Cullinan were referred to as
‘Granny’s chips.’ Queen Mary loved her diamonds and pearls.”

as the jewels that adorned them. The
Windsor women could aff ord the
fi nest couture of their mid-century
youth, and it’s on display in the fi rst
two seasons of The Crown.
Jaws were dropping as museum
visitors reached the royal wedding
gown from 1947. While Elizabeth had
her pick of tiaras and jewels safely
stashed in the Tower of London, the
21-year-old princess announced she
would use her 200 ration coupons
to make the gown, not wanting to
upset British subjects impoverished
by the War.
Upon hearing this, Britons mailed
their own coupons to supplement
her eff ort. On her big day, the heir-
to-the-throne appeared in a gown

A display of replicas of Elizabeth’s gowns
and tiaras at Winterthur Museum.

A section of the Costuming the Crown exhibit at Winterthur Museum.

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