
(Joyce) #1

YOUR 30s

As you enter your fourth decade, life can become more demanding and you’re likely
to be juggling family and a career. It’s important to find balance and make time for
healthy habits to safeguard your health.

If you practised good self-care in your
20s, you’ll land in your 30s with a bang.
If not, it’s never too late to turn over
a new leaf and make those healthy
habits stick.

Working out. Your body is still
strong, but your metabolism
can slip into a lower gear
so now is the time to
work on losing excess
weight, if needed.
Making exercise a
regular part of your
day and working on
maintaining muscle strength
now will mean a stronger body
in your 40s and 50s, when muscle
strength can start to decline. Pay
particular attention to your knees, which
need all the help they can get as you age

  • scaffold them with strong quadriceps
    and calf muscles.

Fertile time. There is a big
gap between the ideal
biological age and the
ideal social age of
conception, according to
Monash University’s Dr Karin

Hammarberg. The
easiest time to get
pregnant is before 30.
As you get older, it will
takelonger to conceive and
the chance of having a baby
decreases. A healthy lifestyle boosts
your chances of a successful pregnancy

  • not smoking, taking care of your oral
    health, avoiding or limiting alcohol and
    caffeine, and protecting yourself
    from environmental chemicals.
    Try the Healthy Conception
    Tool at yourfertility.org.au to
    help you pinpoint everyday
    factors that may increase your
    chances of becoming pregnant.

Tackle stress. Stress is often on the
increase at this stage of life, and those
everyday micro stressors can add up and
take their toll. There’s no better time to
work on keeping a lid on stress because
over time it can lower immunity, disrupt
digestion and hormones, and trigger
disease-causing inflammation. The
most effective stress-buster is finding
a healthy work-life balance and
introducing a little ‘me-time’ into

There’s no better time to work on

keeping a lid on stress because

over time it can lower immunity,

disrupt digestion and hormones

Maintain muscle
strength, boost
fertility, manage
stress and learn
your health
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