Contributors · 333
Ben Mollov (PhD, Bar-Ilan University) is on the faculty of the Interdis-
ciplinary Department of Social Sciences and the Graduate Program in
Conflict Management. He directs the Project for the Study of Religion,
Culture, and Peace at Bar-Ilan University. He specializes in conflict man-
agement from an intercultural perspective and on aspects of the Jewish
political tradition. He is the author of Power and Transcendence: Hans J.
Morgenthau and the Jewish Experience (2002). He is co-author of “Culture,
Dialogue, and Perception Change in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict” as
well as “Federalism and Multiculturalism as a Vehicle for Perception
Change in Israeli-Jewish Society”—both of which appeared in the In -
ternational Journal of Conflict Management. He organized several interna-
tional conferences at Bar-Ilan University in cooperation with the Konrad
Adenauer Stiftung and has twice participated in international confer-
ences in Malaysia.
Yehudit Ronen (PhD, Tel-Aviv University) is associate professor and se-
nior researcher in the Political Science Department at Bar-Ilan University
and at the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies
at Tel-Aviv University. Her numerous publications include the following
books: Sudan in a Civil War: Between Africanism, Arabism, and Islam (1995),
The Maghrib: Politics, Society, and Economy (1998), and Qaddafi’s Libya in
World Politics (2008). Her other scholarly works deal with Muslim immi-
gration to Europe, the Maghrib in the post–cold war period, the identity
struggles in Sudanese society, the impact of political change in Libya, and
other issues. She has also published a novel, Carob Whiskey (1999).
Suzanne D. Rutland (PhD, University of Sydney, OAM) is professor in
the Department of Hebrew, Biblical, and Jewish Studies at the Univer-
sity of Sydney. She has published widely on Australian Jewish history,
edits the Sydney edition of the AJHS Journal, and writes on issues relat-
ing to the Shoah and Israel. Her latest books are The Jews in Australia
(2005) and Triumph of the Jewish Spirit: Forty Years of the Jewish Communal
Appeal (2007). In 2004 she received a major government grant with the
late Professor Sol Encel to study “The Political Sociology of Australian
Jewry,” and in 2008–2009 she was awarded a government grant from the
Australian Prime Minister’s Centre for research on the role of Malcolm
Fraser and Bob Hawke, two Australian prime ministers, in the campaign