The Divergence of Judaism and Islam. Interdependence, Modernity, and Political Turmoil

(Joyce) #1
Index · 339

Barhoum, Musa, 291
Bar-Ilan University, 290, 292–93, 297
Bar Kochba revolt, 231, 234–36, 238
Beck, Marieluise, 80
Beit Ommar village, 290–91
Bellons de Mans, Pierre, 17
Ben-Barka, Mehdi, 168
Benghazi Hebrew School, 188
Ben-Gurion Airport, 276, 283
Ben-Yehuda, Ḥemda, 265
Ben-Yussuf, Muhammad, 161, 163–64, 168.
See also Muḥammad V
Berlin Wall, 80
“Between Right and Right,” 273
Bible: commentaries, 238; as historical
source, 230; Old Testament, 315; prin-
ciples of faith, 245
Biyiklioġlu, Tevfik, 57
Blood covenant, of Yemeni Jews, 128
Blood libel problems: Australia Jews, 109;
Balkan Jews, 53; Ottoman Jews, 53, 60
Blood relations, 231–35
Blurred borders, 278
BMA. See British Military Administration
Bnei Akiva, 207
Bodemann, Y. Michal, 6, 74–90
Bowra, C. M., 260
Bozhidarov, Tr., 65
Brand, Hanita, 12, 254–66
Brit (covenant), 298–99
British Military Administration (BMA),
10; final years, 180; Italian racism
abolished by, 174, 176; lack of security
under, 181; Libyan Jews under, 176–77;
Libyan Muslims and, 173, 186
Brogden, John, 105
La Buena Esperansa, 39, 41, 43, 45
Bukharan Jews, 10–11; abandoning
deceased, 218; chain migration, 215–18;
changing life circumstances, 220; com-
munity building, 203–4; dhimmi, 220; di-
aspora, 204, 208, 212–13, 219; economy,
208–10; ethnographic analysis, 219–21;
flourishing of, 206–7; ghetto, 207–8;
intermarriage, 223n33; language, 11,
211–13; marginalization, 211–12; media
portrayal, 205–8, 221; national identity,
212–13, 215; persecution, 211; prejudice

against, 211; religious freedom, 207; re-
ligious identity, 212–15; ritual practice,
215; scattering, 199–200; social position,
210–15; spacious living quarters, 209;
synagogues, 207, 215; U.S. relatives
pulling, 216–18; in U.S., 10, 199, 203,
205, 209, 213, 220; Uzbekistan migra-
tion, 199–221
Bulgaria, 54; anti-Semitism, 65; Balkan
Jews, 64–66; Balkan Muslims, 64–66;
independence, 65; Jifkov regime, 67;
Law of Protection of the Nation, 65–66;
Turks in, 65
Busi Shalom, Ba ̔al Ḥefeṣ, 135

Canaanites, 231, 235, 237
Canada, 170, 220, 301
Capitulations Agreements, 174
Carasso, Emanuel, 25
Castro, Leon, 248
de Castro, Jacques, 22
Catastrophe. See Naqba
Caucasus, 56, 206, 233
Cave of Makhpelah, 280, 315
Cemaat, 84–86
Cemiyet-iIslamiye, 59
Central Asia and the Caucasus, 206
Central Zionist Organization, 184
Chabad, 207
Chain migration, of Bukharan Jews,
Children: Australia Jews, 109–10; German
Turks, 85; non-Muslims, 23
Children of Israel, 233; Egyptian lan-
guage, 237; immigration from Egypt,
235; Jews and, 228
Chistiye, 213–14
Chmielnicki, Boghdan, 56
Chosen people, 228, 245
Choudhry, Sujit, 76
Christians, 51; anti-Semitism in Ottoman
Empire, 52–54; Australian National
Dialogue of Christians, Muslims, and
Jews, 112; Jews persecuted by, 6
Çinar, Safter, 81–83
Citizenship: Balkan Muslims, 61; German
Jews, 77; Libyan Jews, 177, 195
Claim of racial purity, 231–35
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