Index · 345
Legionaries, 65
Levy, Avigdor, 5, 17–25
Lewis, Bernard, 107–8
The Liberated Bride (Yehoshua), 271, 273,
276–80, 282–83
Libeskind, Daniel, 78
Libya, 9–10; anti-Semitism, 188–89; Arab-
Israeli conflict and, 186–87, 306–22;
Arab nationalism, 174, 195; enfant
terrible image, 322; Independence Day,
189; Israel boycott, 191; Jewish Agency
in, 181, 189; Jewish-Muslim relations,
173–95; Lockerbie sanctions, 307,
312–14, 323; non-Muslims, 192; oil rev-
enues, 316; as pariah state, 314; “Radio
of Vengeance and Sacred Hate,” 311;
Red Fezes, 176, 178, 186; Revolutionary
Committees, 319–20; 2011 rebellion,
323; U.S. and, 13, 307–8, 311, 317; Zion-
ism, 184, 186, 306–22
Libyan Jews: administration and judiciary,
175–76; under BMA, 176–77; citizen-
ship, 177, 195; culture of, 192–94;
discrimination against, 175; economy,
189–91; education, 193–94; flags of, 188;
Hebrew studies, 194; Israel migration,
181, 189, 191; under Italian racism,
175–76, 185; kidnapping of, 180; laissez
passer, 175; language, 193, 195; legal
status, 174–75; Libyan Muslims riots
against, 178–80, 182; modus vivendi, 177–
78; in Ottoman army, 183; overview,
173–74; patriotism, 188; pilgrimages,
192, 313; politics of, 184–89; property
of, 190–91; publications, 194; religious
practice, 192; religious studies, 187, 193;
robbing and murder of, 190; Sabbath
and, 192; security, 177–84; self-defense
by, 182–84; synagogues, 177, 180, 193;
Young Turks and, 185; Zionism, 195. See
also Ottoman Jews
Libyan Muslims: BMA and, 173, 186;
economy, 190; isolation, 185; land
and building control, 192; as majority,
174–75; overview, 173–74; pilgrimages,
192, 313; political exiles, 173; publica-
tions, 194; religious practice, 192; riots
against Libyan Jews, 178–80, 182
“Lies of Zionist Historiography,” 228
Life of the tribe, 271
Life on the brink principle, 272
Lippmann, Walter, 98
Literature and Arab Nationalism (al-
Ḥusseini), 266
Living in Harmony grants, 113–15, 117
Lockerbie sanctions, 307, 312–14, 323. See
also Pan-Am flight 103
Logical fatality, 271
The Lover (Yehoshua), 271, 273–74, 277
Maarif-i Umumiye Nizamnamesi, 21
Ma ̔ase Yerushalami, 283, 287n51
Mabkhut, Shaykh Nasir, 127–28
Maghreb, 3–4
Magical beliefs, of Yemeni Muslims,
Mahallah, 203, 216
Mahdi, 133
Mahumud II, 19
Maissy-Noy, Rachel, 11–12, 227–50
MAL. See Military Administration Liras
Malaysia, 301
Malmuks, 241–42
Mandel, Arnold, 168
Manning, Peter, 103
Maqaryus, Shahin, 248
Markets. See Suqs
Markus, Andrew, 103
Al-Masiri, ̔Abd al-Wahab, 228
Masliyah, Nissim, 25
Matan, A., 155
Mauritania, 315–16
Mecca, 312–13, 315; founding, 316
Media: Australia Muslims and, 103;
Bukharan Jews portrayal, 205–8, 221
Mellahs, 149–50, 154
Memoirs of a Hen (al-Ḥusseini, Isḥāq
Mūsā), 12; Arab readers, 257; critical
perspective, 257–61; as cultural docu-
ment, 257; debate over, 265; feminist
aspect, 266; here and now, 260–61; over-
view, 254–57; as parable of Arab-Israeli
conflict, 255; road taken, 263–67; suit-
able interpretive grid, 261–62; utopian
nature, 257, 260
El Meseret, 37–41, 49n42