The Divergence of Judaism and Islam. Interdependence, Modernity, and Political Turmoil

(Joyce) #1
Index · 347

Nationalism, 265 (see also Moroccan
Nationalist Movement); Arab, 174, 195,
266; Balkans, 53. See also Patriotism
Nazi camps, 59; Balkan Jews in, 63; res-
cues by Muslims, 178
Nazism, 60, 65, 77, 99, 109, 320; persecu-
tion, 104; propaganda, 246
Nehemiah, 232
Neo-Nazis, 82, 89, 107
Neo-Nur movement, 115
Netter, Karl, 263
New World Order, 307, 322
New York Times, 206
NGOs. See Nongovernmental
Nida ̓ul Islam, 109
Nimer, Fares, 248
Nimrodi, Ya ̔akov, 313
Nissim of al-Radma, 142n49
Noble Rescript of Gülhane, 19
Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs),
Non-Muslims, 50n53, 126, 173; Austra-
lia, 108–9; children, 23; Crimea, 56; in
Libya, 192; minorities, 4; Romania, 63;
schools, 21; societies, 84; undesirables,
Northern California Jewish Bulletin, 206
Northern Ireland, 294
Nu ̔ayma, Mikhā ̓īl, 264
Nuclear umbrella, of Israel, 315
Nursi, Said, 115–16

Obrenovic, Milos, 60
Öcalan, 81
October War of 1973, 309
Öger, Vural, 74–75, 80
Oil, 316
Oman, 315
Omar Covenant, 174
Oslo agreement, 5, 292, 314–15
Otets Paisiy, 65
Otherness, of Yemeni Jews, 133–36
Ottoman Empire: Balkans conquered by,
51–52; Christian anti-Semitism, 52–54;
decline, 17; Jewish migration, 68n1;
Libyan Jews in army, 183; millet system,
52; multiethnic, 1–2; reform, 19; schools,

23–24. See also Greco-Ottoman War of
Ottoman-Greek War of 1897, 57
Ottomanism, 19
Ottoman Jews, 2, 5, 174; AIU schools, 24,
54; blood libel problems, 53, 60; educa-
tion and, 17–25; during Greco-Ottoman
War of 1897, 29–45; Halakhah, 52;
Islam conversions, 42–43, 50n50, 50n51,
50n53; in Izmir, 37–44, 46n1, 46n3;
journalists, 33; loyalty of, 184; Muslims
aided by, 41; Muslims embraced by,
31; patriotism, 29, 33–34, 40–41, 43–45;
representation, 20; ritualized violence,
34–36, 48n29; in Salonica, 30–36, 45,
46n1, 46n2; zeal and noise, 37, 44. See
also Libyan Jews
Ottoman-Russian War of 1877-1878,
54–56, 64
Oulad Mansour, 152–53
Ovadia, Abraham, 127
Ozalp, Mehmet, 115

Pacifico, 58
Palestine, 13, 151, 161, 166; British colo-
nialism, 3; Jewish struggle, 4; PLO, 310,

  1. See also Israeli-Palestinian conflict
    Palestineophile, 151
    Palestinian Arabs, 161
    Palestinian Liberation Organization
    (PLO), 310, 315
    Palestinian Muslims, 13
    Palestinian War (1947-1949), 166
    Pan-Am flight 103, 313
    Pan-Arab ideology, 306, 310
    Paounovsky, Vladimir, 66
    Paradise, 271, 276–80, 282–83. See also
    Cave of Makhpelah
    Parallel society, 85
    Pariah state, Libya as, 314
    Pasha, Fuad, 22–23
    Pasha, Midhat, 23–24
    Patriotism: Libyan Jews, 188; Ottoman
    Jews, 29, 33–34, 40–41, 43–45
    Peace Studies Program, Notre Dame
    University, 290
    Pearl, Daniel, 110
    Pellach, Peta Jones, 112

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