Index · 349
Rosh Hashanah, 292
Ross, Marc, 296
Al-Rukub, Saleḥ, 233
Runge, Irene, 89
Russia, 79; antireligious polices, 203;
colonialism, 201–2; Ottoman-Russian
War of 1877-1878, 54–56, 64; synagogue
closing, 203; Uzbekistan incorporation,
213, 219. See also Soviet Union
Russian Jews, 79
Russo, Nissim, 25
Rutland, Suzanne, 6–8, 97–117
Sabah, 42
Sabbath: Libyan Jews and, 192; Yemeni
Muslims and, 132–33
Sadat, Anwar, 170, 294–95
Al-Sākakīnī, Khalīl, 265
Saladin, 243
Salihm, Stephan, 263
Salonica, 5, 6; claims of peace, 30; Greek
Orthodox in, 46n4; Greek prisoners,
35–37; intercommunal relations, 35; Ot-
toman Jews, 30–37, 45, 46n1, 46n2. See
also La Epoka; Le Journal de Salonique
Samaritans, 232
Santa Catherina, 244, 252n38
Ṣanu ̔a, Ya ̔akov, 247
Al-Sanusi, Idris, 308
Saranga, Carmela, 12, 270–84
Sart, 202
Sasoon, Ezekiel, 25
Saudi Peace Initiative, 317
Saunders, Harold, 295
Al-Sayyid, ̔Ali Isma ̔il, 238
Schools: ACU, 115–16; Bar-Ilan University,
290, 292–93, 297; Benghazi Hebrew
School, 188; Imperial Medical School,
21; Mikveh Israel school, 151–52,
268n26; non-Muslim, 21; Ottoman
Empire, 23–24; Peace Studies Program,
Norte Dame University, 290; Talmud,
240–41; University of Jordan, 257.
See also Alliance Israélite Universelle;
Schroeter, Daniel J., 8–9, 143–56
Schwartz, David, 292
Schwartz, Stephen, 62
Second Lebanese War, 104–5
Security: BMA lacking, 181; in Izmir, 38; of
Libyan Jews, 177–84
Seleqṣeqa (quota system), 154–55
Self, 278
Seljuki ruels, 68n3
Sephardi Jews, 52, 62
September, 2001 terrorist attacks, 7, 117,
September 11, 2001 fallout: anti-Semitism,
80–84; Australia Jews, 110; Australia
Muslims, 102–3; German Jews, 80–84;
German Turks, 80–84; racism, 80–84
Serbia, 55; anti-Jewish laws, 60–61; anti-
Semitism, 60–61; Balkan Jews, 60–62;
Balkan Muslims, 60–62; independence,
60; Muslim genocide, 61; in World War
II, 61
Serbian rebellions of 1806-1807, 55
Seyit, Kuranda, 113
Shabazi, Shalom, 136
Shahin, Maqaryus, 228
Shalabi, Aḥmad, 227, 245
Shalash, ̔Ali, 227, 239, 246–49
Shalgi, Ilan, 321
Shalquam, ̔Abd al-Rahman, 321
Shar ̔abi, Reuben, 132
Sharaby, Rachel, 12, 270–84
Sha ̔rawi, Hoda, 165
Sharia law, 101, 130, 241
Sharifian Sultanate, 8
Sharon, Ariel, 321
Shealtiel, Shlomo, 54
Sheḥita, 79, 87
Shinui Party, 321
Shivat Zion, 232
Shukr Kuhayl I, 133
Shukr Kuhayl II, 133
Shweika, Zaki, 248
Simon, Rachel, 9–10, 173–95
Sivan, Emanuel, 229
Six Day War of June 1967, 182, 191, 308
Slavery, 178
Slotki, Naomi, 292
Slouschz, Nahum, 147, 152
Sneh, Ephraim, 321
Society for Israeli-Egyptian Research, 239
Solomon, 237