Sharing the Same Fate: Muslims and Jews of the Balkans · 73
For the Turks of Bulgaria after World War II, see Bilal Şimşir, The Turks of
Bulgaria (1878–1985) (London: K. Rustem and Brother, 1986), 78–114; Hüseyin
Memişoğlu, Bulgaristan’da Türk Kültürü (Ankara: Türk Kültürünü Araştırma
Enstitüsü, 1995), 136–47, 164–67.
For the Turks of Bulgaria, after Bulgaria achieved democracy, see Ömer
Turan, “Bulgaristan Türklerinin Bugünkü Durumu,” Yeni Türkiye, no. 3 (March–
April 1995): 294–301.