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Matt Egol
[email protected]
is a leading practitioner in digital
strategies for Strategy&, PwC’s
strategy consulting business.
Based in New York, he is a
principal with PwC US. Egol works
with B2B and B2C clients to help
them accelerate the development
of new disruptive strategies and
capabilities for customer and
employee experience.

Sujay Saha
[email protected]
is a director with PwC US in the
customer strategy practice, and
is based in San Francisco. He
partners with companies that are
at different maturity stages in
delivering customer and employee
experience, driving them toward
building a more customer-
centered culture, operating model,
and program structure.

Also contributing to this
article was s+b editor-in-chief
Art Kleiner.

The problem, he added, was not so much a lack of technological acumen
as a lack of connection between the company’s formal leaders (those with the
highest-ranking positions) and their employees and customers. These executives
needed to demonstrate that they could stay on top of today’s complex challenges.
Only then would employees feel confident enough to really invest themselves
in the company’s future. The formal leaders also needed to be more skilled
at understanding their customers — less focused on giving them what they
demanded immediately, and more on recognizing how customers were changing,
and what kinds of experiences would make them more loyal. “If we want to
really do our best with employees and customers,” the CEO concluded, “we as
the top team need to work on ourselves.”
This CEO’s conclusion represents a high-leverage opportunity that is
overlooked at many companies. A well-designed leadership experience (LX) —
oriented not just to issues of strategy and execution, but to addressing the leaders’
own collective development — can be linked to employee experience (EX) and
customer experience (CX) in a way that fosters a healthy, productive, emotionally
driven commitment among all three groups: leaders, employees, and customers.
This, in turn, can forge a stronger identity for the company and set it up for
success in the digital age.
Many business leaders are beginning to recognize return on experience
(ROX), a concept that we have pioneered at PwC, as a critical way for their
companies to create value. They are investing in CX to build customer loyalty,
and in EX to improve their culture and transform their workforce. They’ve heard


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