Warriors of Anatolia. A Concise History of the Hittites - Trevor Bryce

(Marcin) #1

rest of the Bronze Age. And most importantly, the treaty
established a basis for much greater stability in the Syrian and
Palestinian regions. No doubt the boundaries between the two
kingdoms were sorted out, and the alignments of the various cities
and kingdoms which fell within these boundaries confirmed.


What made this particularly welcome to Hattusili was that
disturbing new developments in his Anatolian territories called for
urgent attention. Once more the Kaskans were menacing Hatti’s
northern frontiers, and regular campaigns were needed to keep
them at bay. But more disturbing were fresh outbreaks in the west.
From the few surviving fragments of the king’sAnnals, we learn
that rebels from the Lukka Lands in the southwest of the peninsula
had set about conquering large parts of Hittite subject-territory in
their region. The situation was serious enough for the king to lead a
campaign in person to the west. And it may be to this context that
one of the most famous Hittite documents belongs.
Commonly known as the‘Tawagalawa letter’, the document
was addressed by a Hittite king to his counterpart, the king of
Ahhiyawa.^4 It’s so called after Tawagalawa, the brother of the
Ahhiyawan king, who had come to Anatolia to take delivery of
refugees from Hittite authority. The letter originally covered three
tablets, of which only the last has survived. The names of both its
author and his addressee would have appeared on thefirst tablet,
and have thus unfortunately been lost to us. However, most
scholars attribute the document to Hattusili.
Also, the main subject of the letter is not Tawagalawa, as once
believed, but someone we’ve already met – the renegade
Piyamaradu. This man who had long eluded Hittite authority
had now been gathering up Hittite subjects, mainly from the
Lukka lands, and handing them over to Tawagalawa, probably
for resettlement in Ahhiyawan territory. Some may have gone
voluntarily, but it seems that others had remained loyal to their
Hittite allegiance and were taken against their will. Most likely they
were to be recruited into their new homeland’s workforce, like


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