Warriors of Anatolia. A Concise History of the Hittites - Trevor Bryce

(Marcin) #1

embarked on his enterprise abroad before receiving the final
farewell at the departure gate from the deities’son Sharrumma.
Any other suggestions?


Thefirst sight to greet you when you visit Hattusa today, via the
ticket office located just to the north of the Great Temple, is a
stretch of 65 m of fully intact city-wall, complete with two
crenellated towers, 20 to 25 m apart,flanked by three stretches of
curtain wall. It is an impressive entrée to your tour of the city. But
it’s a reconstruction, just a few years old.
In a project lasting from 2003 to 2005 (and extending over
11 months in total work-time), the archaeological team working at
Hattusa under Jürgen Seeher’s direction, with assistance from local
authorities and a labour-force of 65 workmen, built from scratch
this section of the walls. The mudbricks of which it was composed
were made in what the archaeologists believe was the traditional
manner, and each brick was laid manually, without mechanical

Figure 21.12Temple 5, Hattusa.


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