
(Jacob Rumans) #1






Shape (ISSN 0744-5121), May 2020, Volume 39, No. 8. Shape is published 10 times per year in January/February, March, April, May, June, July/August, September, October,
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54 Let’s Talk
Karen Nern, M.D.,
decodes your
breakouts and how to
fight acne like a pro
56 The New Lubes
The safest, most
effective formulas
62 1 Perfect Move
You’ll want to put this
plank series from
Biggest Loser trainer
Erica Lugo on repeat
64 Take a Spiritual
Retreats that feed
your wellness on
another level
98 Joy of the Outdoors
Fresh-air exercise will
change your mind,
body, and beauty in
profound ways

Be Food Smart
creative ways to eat healthy
67 Toss It on the Grill
All the right moves
and marinades for
optimal cookouts
74 Go Nuts
Almond, cashew, and
chai are starring
in creamy cocktails
76 How I Eat Well
Clean-beauty expert
Kerrilynn Pamer
on the magic of
produce and
homemade bread
78 Toast With the Most
Banana reinvents
your avocado go-to
80 Beauty Boosters
These supernutrients
slow skin’s aging
90 Dynamic Duos
The season’s lush
vegetables pair with
aromatic herbs in
dishes that elevate
any meal

Why taking your
game outside will multi-
ply its body benefits.

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