Alexandro-Nevskii seminary 8, 18, 20,
205, 255; Speransky's stay at 9-14
passim; & educational reform 59, 61,
62; Speransky's sermon at 211-213
America - see United States
Austria 68, 77, 86, 157, 163, 188, 189,
Baikal lake 248, 255
Baltic Provinces 340
Belgium 214
Berlin, university of 327
Bessarabia 328
Black Sea 78
BorgAs 71, 72
California 257
Caucasus 328
Central Asia 256
Cherkutino (Vladimir province) 1, 8,
China 246, 249, 250, 256, 257, 278
Denmark 86
Englllnd 36, 86, 105, 132, 133, 172,219;
in Russian intellectual life 18, 19, 31,
46,99; Speransky's views on 124,132,
133; & Russian diplomacy 30, 78,
172, 188, 189; constitution of 42, 120,
121, 128, 148, 2! 4; Bank of 98;
Parliament 0'" 155; missionaries from
Erfurt 55,77, 161, 170, 179, 188,355
Finland 336; annexation of 50, 70-75,
79, 181; status and administration of
71-75; Diet of (Seim) 71, 72, 74;
Commission on the aft'airs of 73, 74,
182; & Russian law 328
Finland, Gulf of 171
France 36, 86,162,233,250; intellectual
effects of Revolution 19, 31, 142, 161,
165,173,180,324; constitutions of41,
120, 128, 144, 156,214; civil code 68,
69; Napoleonic wars 76, 77,82, 193,
196, 197; alliance with Russia 83, 170,
173,179,189,195; Bank of98i Coun-
cil of State 149, 156, 161, 16:li Etats
G4nlraux of 155, 162; laws of 3;j5 (cf.
Paris, Napoleon I).
Freiburg 103
Friedrichsham, treaty of 70
Gatchina 17, 201
Germany (& German Empire) 163,197,
214, 233, 355; intellectual influence
of24,85, 154, 173,208,222,322, 327,
Glasgow, university of 99
Goettingen, university of67, 85
Holland 86, 214
Iakutsk 256
Iakutiia 256
Iaroslavl' 175
Irkutsk 248, 249, 250, 255, 258, 271
Kare1ia 71
Khanenevka (province of Penza) 237
Kharkov, university of23, 24, 86
Kiakbta 256
Kiev, academy & university of 8, 348
Lithuania 78, 328, 340, 342
London 18
Malta 30
Magdeburg, law of 328, 340
Mairlla 257.
Mediterranean 78
Moldavia 328
Mongolia 249, 278
Moscow 18, 31, 90, 198; society's atti-
tudes 170, 171-175, 176, 177, 181,
192, 196, 198
Nerchinsk 255
Nizhnii Novgorod 195, 196, 197
Novgorod 175, 200
Odessa 78
Okhotsk 257
Ottoman Empire - see Turkey
Pacific Oceah 257, 278
Paris 76, 138, 183, 188, 189, 313, 355,
356 (cf. France, Napoleon)
Penza 25,232,233,253,254,255,356;
theological seminary of 240, 241;
Speransky's governorship 228, 232,