Michael Speransky. Statesman of Imperial Russia, 1772–1839 - Marc Raeff

(Chris Devlin) #1

Holy Alliance 20 I, 225
Holy Synod 57, 58, 109,329

"Instruction to Governors" (1837) 290
Illuminates 173-174, 180

Jacobins 18
Jesuits 6!, 63
Journey from Saint Petersburg to Moscow 23

Kazakhs 278
Kirghiz 256

Lancaster schools 255
Land Bank (for nobility) 97
Legislation (acts of) - [in chronological
Statute on the Provinces (PSZ 14,392 -
7 Nov. 1775) 32,230-231,245,283
Charter of the Nobility (PSZ 16,187-
21 Apr. 1785) 30, 32, 45, 230, 292
Charter of the Towns (PSZ 16,188 -
21 Apr. 1785) 30, 292
Permanent Council (PSZ 19,806 -
30 March 1801) 157
Commission on Laws (PSZ 19,989-
25 Aug. 1801) 66
Secular school system (PSZ 20,597) 57
Law on Free Agriculturists (PSZ
20,620 - 20 Febr. 1803) 38,51, 301
Organization of Ministry of the In-
terior (PSZ 20,852 -July 1803) 51
Instructions to Commission on Laws
(PSZ 21,187 - 28 Febr. 1804) 67
Statute on the Jews (9 Dec. 1804) 51
Commission on Ecclesiastical Schools
(PSZ 23,122 - 26 June 1808) 57
Decree on the Kamergery (PSZ 23,559-
3 Apr. 1809) 64, 177
Examinations for ranks (PSZ 23,771 -
6 Aug. 1809) 64, 177
Council of State (PSZ 24,064 - 1 Jan.
1810) 115
Implementation of Financial Plan
(PSZ 24,116 - 2 Febr. 1810) 101
Public Loan (PSZ 24,244 - 27 May
1810) 102
Silver & copper rates fixed (PSZ
24,264 - 20 June 1810) 102
Distribution of affairs among ministries
(PSZ 24,307 - 25 July 1810) 108
Sale of State domains (PSZ 24,334 -
29 Aug. 1810) 102
Free exp~rt of grain (PSZ 24,464 -
19 Dec. 1810) 78
Reorganization of Ministries (PSZ
24,686-25June 1811) 110,111,112
Reorganization of Ministry of Police
(PSZ 24,687 - 25 June 1811) 102

Reorganization of Ministry of Finance
(PSZ 24,688 - 25 June 1811) 102,
Unification of Old and New Finland
(PSZ 24,907) 71
Reorganization of Siberia - Intro-
duction (PSZ29,124-22July 1822)
Administration of Siberia (PSZ 29,125

  • 22 July 1822) 260-266
    Statute on Siberian Natives (PSZ
    29,126 -22 July 1822) 271-276
    Statute on Exiles (PSZ 29,128 - 22
    July 1822) 269
    Siberian Cossacks (PSZ 29,131 - 22
    July 1822) 269
    Local dues in Siberia (PSZ 29,132 -
    22 July 1822) 270
    Local administration 44, 129; proposals
    for 147, 151-152,242; finances 237-
    238,270, 274; judiciary 238, 272, 274,
    275-276, 288, 291-292, 293; trade
    267-268, 275; state granaries & ag-
    riculture 268-269, 275; general ad-
    ministration 230-231; Governor Gen-
    eral, Provincial Governor (and coun-
    cils) 230,231,234,235-236,261-263,
    283-285, 287-288, 289-290; district
    (uezd and ispravnik) 234-235, 264-265,
    285-286, 292-293; township & village
    (volost') 265,288,293; Siberian natives
    272-274 (cf. "Plan of 1809", Penza,
    Siberia, peasantry, nobility, mer-
    chants, officials)
    "Lovers of the Russian Word" (Liubiteli
    TUSskogo slova) 353
    Main Administration for Transportation
    Martinists 173
    Merchants 17; class 112,286; economy
    90-91; administration 251; views &
    attitudes of 90, 240, 249-250
    Military Colonies 43, 310
    Military Medical Academy 24
    Ministries (& Ministers) 44, 105 106,
    107, 158,283,359;
    Organization of 50, 110-117;
    Committee of Ministers 106, 113, 162,
    Councils of the Ministry 111;
    Manifesto of 8 September 1802 50;
    Comptroller General 109;
    Ministry of Education 61, 109;
    Ministry of Finance 83, 86, 92, 98,
    251-252 (reorganization ofl02, 105,
    109, 110, 112; Council of Manu-
    facturers 112; Commercial Council

  1. ;
    Ministry of Foreign Affairs 75, 108,

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