Agatha Lee
Project Maker
Project Link
Brian Wente
Project Maker
Project Link
gatha’s backpack bore the brunt of the
rainfall as she and her son walked to
the Handmade Movement Fair in the
pouring rain with a small umbrella.
That’s when she decided to upcycle an
old unused umbrella into a waterproof cover for her
backpack. The first step is the trickiest, and involves
removing the canopy from an umbrella without any
damage to the fabric. Agatha used a kids’ umbrella
that had a thread that connected the canopy to the ribs
and was relatively easy to dismantle, but your mileage
may vary, depending on the type of umbrella you use.
It was fairly simple from here on. Agatha is a textile
artist – she details the entire process of sewing a tube
around the canopy with a needle and thread, and some
chalk and measuring tape. She then uses a safety pin
to pass a length of elastic through the tube, before
sewing the ends to complete the cover.
rian loves making parachutes from
old damaged umbrellas. He starts by
cutting out the canopy from the umbrella
using a box cutter – in a similar fashion
to Agatha’s (above). If you do it carefully
enough, you can get it done without cutting off
the tip, which then comes in handy to tie a length
of nylon cord. Brian’s canopy has eight tips, so he
takes a cord that’s about 1.5 times the radius of the
umbrella, and doubles it into eight strands before
tying off one end into a knot. He then cuts the other
end and attaches each of the eight strands to the
tips of the canopy. If you don’t have tips, you can
knot each end, and stitch them to the canopy with
a sewing machine. Finally, attach a piece of weight.
Brian suggests using a heavy weight for a good
show. Now gather your chute, roll it up, and throw it
as far up in the air as you can.
You can even use the
umbrella’s original
fastener to fold the
cover when it’s not
in use
Brian created one
of these for his
daughter’s Hunger
birthday party