HackSpace – September 2019

(Wang) #1

Many clones of Arduino Uno boards (available on
eBay) have a line of holes as well as pins, which
makes it easy to solder wires to. If yours only has
header pins, you could remove them or use jumper
wires instead of regular wire.
Connect the red wire beneath the perfboard to
Digital pin 3 on the Uno, the green wire to Digital
pin 5, and the blue wire to Digital pin 6. Make sure
that the components are dry before connecting
to power.

Fill a tray with hot water, and sprinkle a layer of
Polymorph granules on top to create a thin sheet.
Remove with a spatula to keep it flat and use a rolling
pin to create a roughly rectangular shape, a little larger
than the gap you hollowed out of the log. Return it to
the water when necessary to keep it flexible.
Hold the Polymorph over the electronics to check
the size, then cut and bend into shape. While it’s
pliable, thin pieces of Polymorph can be cut with
scissors. If you can’t cut it, reheat and roll a bit more.
Use the glue gun or screws to keep it in place.

Open the Arduino IDE software and connect the
Arduino to your computer. If you are new to Arduino,

check out the guide at hsmag.cc/shYSMW, which
walks you through how to select the board and
port settings.
Install the colour sensor library by going to Sketch
> Include Library > Manage Libraries. Search for
Adafruit TCS34725 and click Install. For help on
installing libraries, go to hsmag.cc/zmXjEI.
Open the ColorView example code that comes
with the sensor library by going to File > Examples >
Adafruit TCS34725 > ColorView.
Upload the code to the Arduino, by going to
Sketch > Upload. Remove the power cord from the
computer and attach it to a USB power supply, either
mains or battery powered. Then hold a colourful
object over the sensor. After a few seconds, the
LEDs should shine the same colour as the object.
Place a different object on the colour sensor and the
LEDs will change colour too.

Colour-coding the
wires makes it easier
if you need to do any
Play around with
coloured objects
to explore the
different effects

Perfboard is put
between the log
and the Arduino.
Cover the USB port
with insulating tape
if there is a risk of

Instead of using Polymorph, you could 3D-print
the mushrooms. A search for ‘Mushroom LED’ at
thingiverse.com brings up free designs, ready to resize
and print. Buy diffused RGB LEDs, or cover clear ones
with masking tape or a blob of Polymorph, to make the
colours blend evenly.


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