
(ff) #1
PETER LAWSexplores the workofthe shy cartoonist whoflooded theworld with visions of

Hell andtheoriesofdemonic conspiracy in an attempt to scare sinnersintoseeing the light




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hen Imentioned on
socialmedia that
Iwas writing an
articleabout the
Chick, theresponsewas immediate.
Posts and messages pingedall day
from people saying they’dbeen
traumatisedbyhis work.Some felt
anger, somedisgust.Somecalled
him crueland said they’d hated
himsince childhood. Oneeven told
me thatshe and herfriends threw
an onlinepartywhen they heard
admitted thatwhiletheydespised
the man,theylovedhis ar tand even
collected it,sometimes in secret(my
owncollection stacks up atabout
120Chick works, so far).
Ever yone who’d seenhis work
seemed to have been‘affected’by
it,and perhapsthat’ snosurprise.
Chick’sart is an unforg ettable
paradeoft he grotesque, featuring
fathersraping theirdaughters and
meneatin gsevered fingers in the
rain.Yetitwasn’t the grislythemes
that reallyshookpeople, itwasthe
messages behindthem –coupled
with alevel of political incorrectness
that would makethe entireTwittersphere
Yousee, Chick wasadevoted Christian,
and hisChickTracts (smallreligiouscomic
books)weren’tonlyanti-gay, anti-evolution,
and prettymuch anti-everything,theywere
primarilydesignedtos ave us al lfromHell.
Onecommentatorcalled him “the most
widelyread theologian of all time”,and with
over900 million ChickTractsprinted sofar,
youcan seewhy. His mostpopular is called
This WasYourLife.It’sbeen translatedinto
120languages (Iownone in Zulu),spreading
aterri fying vision ofevangelicalconspiracy
theory acros sthe globe.Theworld,according
to Jack Chick, is infected with demonic
corruptionat all levels of society,politics and
(especially)religi on.
What madehis work even moreunsettling,
washowit cametomost people.Folks

didn’ tfind hi sart in galleries,read
hisstrips inanewspaper or find
histracts in the local comic book
store.Rather,Chick’ sworkseemed
to findthem,magicallyappearing
in the public placeswherethey
happenedtobe. People toldme
they’ dfoundChickTractstucked
in themagazines at the doctor’s
officeorwaitingforthem in apublic
toiletcubicle, perched on thepaper
dispenser.One manopened up a
brand-newheavy metalrecord to
findthat,unbeknownst to the store,
aChickTract had beenhidden
inside the sleeve.Manyotherswere
simplyhanded tractsdirect ly by
strangersint he stree t–likethe
hikerwho told meabout the time
he askedafriendlyold couplefor
direction sonapoorlymarkedtrail.
TheyslippedaChickTract into his
hand.Forwhat better direction
cantherebethan one which will
help youescape the fires ofHell, as
depicted vividly, and repeatedly, in
Chick’ swork? If youhaven’tfound a
Tractwaiting foryou yet, the Chick
faithfulmightsay the reason isacosmic one
–the Devil has beenactively keepin gthem
from you. Until now, of course.This article
mightbe your ownchance to see‘the light’.
Suchist he mystique thatsurrounds a
ChickTract’sjourney from pencil,toeye,to
soul. It’sseen as part ofadivinepublishing
visionthat hopesChick’s work will find
everybody in th eend.

Youcan spotaChickTract instantly. At about
13x7cm, androughly20pages long, the
iconi clittlebooklets arejustatad smaller
thanabank note.That’saperfect si ze for
belie vers to carryinawallet or tuck into a
breast pocket, readyfor quickdeployment.
Thecovers have stark white text onasombre,
black backgroundonone side, andatwo-
toneillustration on theother.The pictures




the perfect size

forbelievers to

tuck into apocket

LEFT:Chicktracts all shareasimpleyet
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