
(ff) #1
Regular clipstershave provided the lifeblood ofFortean Times
since it began in 1973. One of the delights forthe editors is
receiving packets of clips from Borneo or Brazil, Saudi Arabia
or Siberia. We inviteyoutojoin in thefun and send in anything
weird, fromtrade journals,local newspapers,extracts from
obscure tomes,orl ibrary newspaperarchives.
To minimise thetime spent on preparing clippings foraFort
Sort, we askthat youcut them out and notfold them too small.
Mark each clip (on the front, where possible) with the source,
date andyour name, so that we can credityouinthe listing
(right) when we use thematerial. For UK local and overseas clips,
please givethe town of publication. For foreign language clips,
we appreciatebrief translations.Toavoid confusion over day and
month, pleasewrite the date in this form:1JAN 2020.Ifyou
send photocopies,copyonone side of the paper only.
Mailto:ForteanTimes,PO Box2 40 9, London NW5 4NP,UK
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FORTEAN TIMESis amonthly
magazine of news,reviews and
research on strange phenomena
and experiences,curiosities,
prodigies and portents.Itw as
founded by Bob Rickardin1973 to
continue the work of Charles Fort
Born of Dutch stock in Albany,
New York, Fortspent manyyears
researching scientific literature in
the NewYork Public Library and
the British Museum Library.He
marshalled his evidence and set
forth his philosophy inTheBook of
the Damned(1919),New Lands
(1923),Lo!(1931), andWild
He wasscepticalof dogmatic
how scientists argued according
to their own beliefsrather
than the rules of evidence
and that inconvenient data
were ignored, suppressed,
discredited orexplainedaway.
He criticised modern science for
its reductionism, its attempts to
define,divide and separate.Fort’s
dictum“One measures acircle
beginning anywhere”expresses
instead his philosophy of Continuity

in which everything is in an
intermediate and transient state
He had ideas of the Universe-as-
organism and the transient nature
of all apparent phenomena, coined
the term ‘teleportation’, andwas
perhaps the first to speculate that
mysterious lights seen in the sky
might be craft from outer space.
However,hecut atthe very roots
of credulity: “I conceiveofnothing,
in religion, science or philosophy,
that is more than the proper thing
to wear,for awhile.”
Fortwas by no means the first
person to collect anomalies and
oddities–suchcollections have
abounded from Greece to China
since ancient times.Fortean
Timeskeeps alivethis ancient task
of dispassionate weird-watching,
exploring the wild frontiers between
the known and the unknown.
Besides beingajournal of
record,FTis alsoaforumfor
thediscu ssionofobservations
and ideas,however absurdor
unp opular,and maintains a
position of benevolent scepticism
towards both the orthodoxand
unorthodox.FTtoes no party line.

78 FT389

AUSTRALIAGraham Cordon (SA), Tony Healy (ACT), John Palazzi (NSW),
Len Watson (Qld). CANADA Brian Chapman (BC), Graham Conway (BC),
CYBERSPACE RichardAlexand er,John FCallahan, Hugh Henry, SteveScanlon,
Janet Wilson. ENGLAND Gail-Nina Anderson, Louise Bath, James Beckett,
Claire Blamey, Peter Christie, Mat Coward, Kate Eccles, Paul Farthing, George
Featherston,Paul Gallagher, Alan Gardiner,KeithGeorge, Anne Hardwick, Richard
Lowke, AlexisLykiard, DianaLyons, Dave Malin, Nick Maloret,Valerie Martin,
TomRuffles, Meryl Santis,Paul Screeton, Gary Stocker, Roman Suchyj, Frank
Thomas,Paul Thomas, Owen Whiteoak, Bobby Zodiac.FRANCE Michel Meurger.
GERMANY Ulrich Magin. HOLLAND RobinPascoe. IRELAND Andy Conlon,
PatCorcoran, Andrew Munro. ISRAEL ZviRon.NEW ZEALAND Peter Hassall.
ROMANIA Iosif Boczor. SCOTLANDRoger Musson. SWEDEN Sven Rosén.
THAILAND Terry WColvin. USA Loren Coleman (ME), Jim Conlan (CT), Myron
Hoyt (ME), Greg May (FL), Dolores Phelps (TX), Jim Riecken (NY), JosephTrainor
(MA), JeffreyVallance (CA), GaryYates (UT).WALES Janet&Colin Bord.

(who classify clippings placedint he Archives forFortean Research)
Phil Baker, Rachel Carthy, Chris Hill, Chris Josiffe, Mark Pilkington, Bob Rickard,Paul

Gerar dApps, RobAvery, DavidVBarrett,Louise Bath, JessicaBorge, James Beckett,
Rob Chambers,Pat Corcoran, Graham Cordon, JDEvans,John HuwEvans, George
Featherston, Rob Gandy, Bert&BettyGra y-Malkin, Hugh Henry,ColinIngs, NiaJones,
Peter McCue, GregMay, Matt Salusbury,Paul Screeton, JE Smith,Paul Street,Maria
Strutz,Paul RThomas, AlanGardiner, KeithGeorge, Anne Hardwick,Tony Healy,Robin
Lee, Dave Malin, Nick Maloret,Valerie Martin, JohnPalazzi, TomRuffles, Gary Stocker,
Frank Thomas, Rob Thomson, Dave Trevor,ChristopherTye, Louise Vanderhoeven,Keith
Warner,Len Watson,OwenWhiteoak,Janet Wilson, Bobby Zodiac.

ANNUALSUBof12issues (inc p&p)UK £48; Europe£58; USA
$89.99 ($161.98for 24 issues);Rest ofWorld £68.
Please seehouse adsin the latest issue fordetails ofspecialoffers.
Subscribersshouldcontact: IMS. 3330Pacific Avenue, Suite404,
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757428 6253; Or order online at http://www.imsnews.com.
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Telephonepaymentsandqueries:0330333 9492.
E-mailpaymentsand queries: [email protected].
DennisPublishing reserves all rights to reusematerial submitted by
FTreaders and contributorsin anymediumor format.
Contact the artdirectorbyemail ([email protected])before
sendingsamples of work. We cannotguarantee torespond to
unsolicited work, though everyeffo rt willbemade to doso.
Please sendall submissions to David Sutton, Editor, ForteanTimes,
PO Box71602,London E17 0QD, UK or email drsutton@forteantimes.
com. Aswe receivealarge volume of submissions,
adecisionmaynot be immediate.
Lettersof commentoraboutexperiencesarewelcome.Send to PO
Box2409,London NW54NP, UK or emailsieveking@forteantimes.
com.We reserve the right to editsubmissions.
Send to:Fortean Times, PO Box2409, London NW5 4NP.

FTaims to present the widestrange of in terpretationstostimulate
discussion andwelcomes helpful criticism.Theopinionsof
contributorsare not necessarily those of the editors.FTcan take no
responsibility forsubmissions,but willtakeall re asonablecare of
material in itsposses sion. Requests forreturnofmaterial should be
accompanied byastampedaddressedenvelope or an International
Reply Coupon.
We occasionally use material thathas been placed in the public
domain. It is notalways possibletoidentifythe copyright holder. If you
claim creditforsomethingwe’vepublished, we’llbepleased to make



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