the Forum Foto "Inspiration" Project ••• November 2023

(Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya) #1

© 2023 Timo Kozlowski

It's a regular fruit shop in Taipei, nothing out of the ordinary. So, what
makes this an inspirational image?
I took this on my phone, which can display High Dynamic Range (HDR)
images directly. Normally, you have to use a method called 'tone mapping'
to squeeze all the different shades from black to white onto a regular
screen Zith a loZer contrast. 7he resXlt is the oItenly dreaded +'5 look.
On my phone screen however, the light colours were lighter than on my
monitor at home. There were more details in the shadows at the same time
So, I realised, I might see a glimpse into the future of post-processing,
when HDR screens would become the norm and image editors would
allow a seemingless HDR workflow.
:e are not there, \et  bXt eYer\ 5$: Ɠle b\ deƓnition is an H'5 iPaJe, so
I hope we will be able to make use of more details than we are currently
able to do.

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