The End of the Cold War. 1985-1991

(Sean Pound) #1


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of State, 1986)
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(Washington, DC: US Department of State, 1985)
G. Shultz, Turmoil and Triumph: My Years as Secretary of State (New York:
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G. P. Shultz, S. D. Drell and J. E. Goodby (eds), Reykjavik Revisited: Steps Towards
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K. Skinner (ed.), Turning Points in the End of the Cold War (Stanford, CA:
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S. Smith, ‘Foreign Policy Is What States Make of It: Social Construction and
International Relations Theory’, in V. Kubálková (ed.), Foreign Policy in a
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A. A. Snyder, Warriors of Disinformation: American Propaganda, Soviet Lies, and
the Winning of the Cold War: An Insider’s Account (New York: Arcade Pub-
lishing, 1995)
J. Snyder, ‘One World, Rival Theories’, Foreign Policy, no. 145 (2004)
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A. E. Stent, The Limits of Partnership (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press,
A. E. Stent, Russia and Germany Reborn: Unification, the Soviet Collapse, and the
New Europe (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1998)
C. Sterling, The Terror Network: The Secret War of International Terrorism
(London: Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 1981)
N. Stone, The Atlantic and Its Enemies: A Personal History of the Cold War
(London: Allen Lane, 2010)
P. S t r o i l o v, Behind the Desert Storm (Chicago: Price World Publishing, 2011)
Tajne dokumenty Biura Politicznego i Sekretariatu KS: Ostatni rok władzy 1988–
1989 , ed. S. Perzkowski (Warsaw: Aneks, 1994)

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