The End of the Cold War. 1985-1991

(Sean Pound) #1

  1. Ibid., vol. 1, p. 41 (22 May 1981).

  2. Ibid. (16 October 1981), p. 75.

  3. Ibid. (15 November 1982), p. 172.

  4. See S. F. Akhromeev’s comments at meeting of F. C. Carlucci and D. Z. Yazov
    (Moscow), 30 May 1988, p. 3: RRPL, Fritz W. Ermath Files, Box 92084, US–
    Soviet Summit Intentions, May 26 – June 3, 1988.

  5. V. L. Kataev, 1993 diary: Vitalii Leonidovich Kataev Papers (HIA), box 1,
    folder 3, pp. 66–7.

  6. P. Cradock, In Pursuit of British Interests: Reflections on Foreign Policy under
    Margaret Thatcher and John Major, p. 56.

  7. See C. Moore, Margaret Thatcher: The Authorized Biography, vol. 1: Not For
    Turning (Allen Lane: London, 2013), pp. 313–15.

  8. Expanded meeting between R. Reagan and M. Thatcher, 22 December 1984:
    Margaret Thatcher Foundation from the Reagan Library: European and
    Soviet Affairs Directorate, NSC: Records (folder: Thatcher Visit – Dec. 1984
    [1] Box 90902).

  9. The Reagan Diaries, p. 22 (20–21 July 1981).

  10. J. Attali, Ve r b a t i m, vol. 2: Chronique des années 1986–1988, p. 176 (13
    October 1986).

  11. Internal FCO memo by Planning Staff, ‘The Management of East–West
    Relations’, 2 May 1980, p. 8.

9: World Communism and the Peace Movement

  1. A. L. Adamishin Papers (HIA), box 1: Diaries 1981, 23 December 1981.

  2. Qian Qichen, Ten Episodes in China’s Diplomacy, pp. 2–3.

  3. Interview with Richard V. Allen, 28 May 2002, p. 70: RROHP.

  4. Ibid.

  5. National Security Archive Electronic Briefing Book no. 18, doc. 8: National
    Security Decision Directive no. 140, pp. 1–2.

  6. The Reagan Diaries Unabridged, vol. 1, p. 341 (27 April 1984).

  7. Ibid., p. 342 (28 April 1984).

  8. Ibid., p. 343 (30 April 1984).

  9. Excerpt from Politburo minutes, 7 July 1983: Dmitri A. Volkogonov Papers
    (HIA), reel 17.

  10. V. A. Zagladin (Deputy Head, International Department) to Central Com-
    mittee, 4 October 1979: RGASPI, f. 89, op. 32, d. 12.

  11. A. L. Adamishin Papers (HIA), box 2: Diaries July and October–December
    1991, 11 November 1991.

  12. Politburo meeting, 8 January 1969: RGASPI, f. 89, op. 51, d. 28.

  13. Ibid.

  14. A. Chernyaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod. Dnevnik dvukh epokh. 1971–1991 gody,
    p. 379 (21 October 1979).

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