The End of the Cold War. 1985-1991

(Sean Pound) #1

  1. Interview with L. M. Zamyatin, Kommersant, 3 May 2005; private meeting
    between R. Reagan and M. Thatcher, 22 December 1984: Margaret Thatcher
    Foundation from the Reagan Library: European and Soviet Affairs Direc-
    torate, NSC: Records (folder: Thatcher Visit – Dec. 1984 [1] Box 90902).

  2. Notes on Chequers lunchtime discussion 16 December 1984, p. 5: National
    Archives, PREM 19/1394.

  3. Ibid.

  4. Chernyaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, p. 597 (26 January 1985).

  5. Official record of Chequers lunchtime discussion 16 December 1984, p. 5:
    National Archives, PREM 19/1394.

  6. Ibid., p. 7.

  7. Yakovlev, Omut pamyati, p. 236.

  8. Braithwaite, ‘Moscow Diary’, 13 March 1992: entry on recollection by inter-
    preter Tony Bishop.

  9. K. A. Bishop (interpreter), personal assessment of Gorbachëv during the
    December 1984 visit to the UK, 3 January 1985, p. 3: National Archives,
    PREM 19/1394.

  10. FCO to Hong Kong Embassy, 20 December 1984, p. 1: National Archives,
    PREM 19/1394.

  11. M. Thatcher’s notes before Camp David meeting (22 December 1984) with
    R. Reagan, pp. 1–2: National Archives, PREM 19/1394.

  12. G. P. Shultz to R. Reagan, memo for meeting with M. Thatcher on 22
    December 1984, p. 2: RRPL, Coordination Office, NSC: Records, box 4.

  13. C. Hill, handwritten notes on ‘Soviet: 1984, Oct. 1 to Oct. 31’, p. 7: Charles
    Hill Papers (HIA), box 64.

  14. C. Hill, notes on ‘Soviet Union, Nov. 1 to Nov. 28’, p. 8: ibid., box 64, folder:
    G. P. Shultz – ‘Turmoil’ – Draft – Soviet Union.

  15. Charles Hill, diary (8 December 1984): Molly Worthen’s notes.

  16. Ibid. (1 December 1984).

  17. Ibid. (7 January 1985).

  18. Ibid. (5 January 1985).

  19. Ibid. (5 January 1985).

  20. E. Shevardnadze, Kogda rukhnul zheleznyi zanaves: vstrechi i vospominaniya,
    p. 69.

  21. A. L. Adamishin Papers (HIA), box 1: Diaries 1980, 5 May 1980 and Diaries
    1982, 24 June 1982.

  22. G. Shultz, Turmoil and Triumph: My Years as Secretary of State, p. 515; G. M.
    Kornienko in S. F. Akhromeev and G. M. Kornienko, Glazami marshala i
    diplomata, p. 89.

  23. Charles Hill, diary (28 January 1985): Molly Worthen’s notes.

  24. G. Shultz, Statement to the Foreign Relations Committee, 31 January 1985, pp.
    1–3: Committee on the Present Danger (HIA), box 113.

  25. This exchange was reported weeks later in the Wall Street Journal, 21 March

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