The End of the Cold War. 1985-1991

(Sean Pound) #1

  1. K. N. Brutents reports this comment to him by Ponomarëv in Nesbyvsheesya.
    Neravnodushnye zametki o perestroike, pp. 445–6.

  2. T. G. Stepanov-Mamaladze diary, 1 December 1985: T. G. Stepanov-
    Mamaladze Papers (HIA), box 5.

  3. Ibid., 20 April 1986: box 5, folder 2.

  4. Notes on confidential conversation with E. A. Shevardnadze, 10 September
    1985: ibid., box 5, folder 1.

  5. T. G. Stepanov-Mamaladze diary, 18 November 1985: ibid.

  6. T. G. Stepanov-Mamaladze working notes, 26 November 1985: ibid., box 1,
    folder 3.

  7. Ibid., 2 September 1985: box 1.

  8. T. G. Stepanov-Mamaladze diary, 30 June 1988: ibid., box 5.

  9. Ibid., 17 November 1985; T. G. Stepanov-Mamaladze working notes, 15
    February (miswritten as August) 1986: ibid., box 1.

  10. T. G. Stepanov-Mamaladze diary, 30 April 1986: ibid., box 5.

  11. Note on party conference (Ministry of Foreign Affairs), 30 November 1985:
    A. L. Adamishin Papers (HIA), box 1: Diaries 1985, 30 November 1985,
    pp. 42–5.

  12. T. G. Stepanov-Mamaladze diary, 1 December 1985: ibid., box 5.

13: One Foot on the Accelerator

  1. G. Shultz: interview with R. Service and P. Robinson, Hoover Institution,
    1 September 2009.

  2. J. Attali, Ve r b a t i m, vol. 1: Chronique des années 1981–1986, p. 854 (28
    September 1985).

  3. R. Reagan to M. S. Gorbachëv, 30 April 1985, pp. 1–11: RRPL, Executive
    Secretariat, NSC, Head of State Files: USSR: General Secretary Gorbachev,
    box 39.

  4. M. S. Gorbachëv to R. Reagan, 10 June 1985, pp. 3 and 7: ibid., box 40.

  5. M. S. Gorbachëv to R. Reagan, 22 June 1985, p. 3: ibid.

  6. J. Matlock to R. McFarlane, 26 June 1985 (memo): ibid.

  7. ‘Soviet Strategic and Political Objectives in Arms Control in 1985’, p. 6:
    Special National Intelligence Estimate (March 1985): CIA Papers.

  8. ‘Soviet Capabilities for Strategic Nuclear Conflict Through the Mid-1990s:
    Key Judgments’, pp. 16–17: National Intelligence Estimate, 25 April 1985:

  9. W. J. Casey to R. Reagan, 25 June 1985, report: ‘Gorbachev, The New Broom’,
    pp. 6–8 and 13: ibid.

  10. ‘Gorbachev’s Economic Agenda: Promises, Potentials, and Pitfalls. An Intel-
    ligence Assessment’, 6 September 1985: ibid.

  11. E. Rowny, ‘Gorbachev’s First Hundred Days’ (draft), 5 June 1985, pp. 1–4:
    RRPL, Jack Matlock Files, box 61, folder: USSR – Mikhail Sergeyevich
    Gorbachev – Gen. Secretary – March 11, 1985.

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