The End of the Cold War. 1985-1991

(Sean Pound) #1

  1. V. L. Kataev, ‘O programme SOI’, p. 1 in ‘SOI-A’: Vitalii Leonidovich Kataev
    Papers (HIA), disk 5.

  2. Note on C. Weinberger’s behalf to C. Powell, 9 April 1987: RRPL, Executive
    Secretariat, NSC, Head of State Files: USSR: General Secretary Gorbachev,
    box 41.

  3. National Security Decision Directive no. 267, pp. 1–4, 9 April 1987: http://www.fas.
    org/irp/offdocs/nsdd/index.html. p. 2.

  4. C. Weinberger, ‘Toward Real Reductions in Weapons’, New York Times, 14
    April 1987.

  5. F. C. Carlucci to M. Baldrige, 27 March 1987: RRPL, Stephen Danzansky
    Files (NSC): RAC, box 2.

  6. R. L. Lesher (President, US Chamber of Commerce) and A. B. Trowbridge
    (President, National Association of Manufacturers) to R. Reagan, 6 October
    1986: ibid., box 8; Senator L. Bentsen to M. Baldrige, 15 December 1986: ibid.

  7. Talking points for Reagan’s meeting with USSR Foreign Trade Minister B. I.
    Aristov, 5 December 1986: ibid., box 2.

  8. New York Times, 24 February 1987.

  9. Press release of US Department of Commerce (n.d.) for session of the
    US–USSR Commercial Commission, 4–5 December 1986: RRPL, Stephen
    Danzansky Files (NSC): RAC, box 2.

  10. R. Reagan to M. S. Gorbachëv, 10 April 1987, p. 1: The Reagan Files: The
    Untold Story of Reagan’s Top-Secret Efforts to Win the Cold War.

  11. Soviet transcript (excerpted) of conversation between M. S. Gorbachëv and
    G. P. Shultz, 14 April 1987, pp. 1–2 and 5–7: ECWF (translated for the
    National Security Archive by S. Savranskaya).

  12. Ibid.

  13. Politburo meeting, 16 April 1987: Anatoli Chernyaev Papers (RESCA), box 1,
    pp. 189–90.

  14. Politburo meeting, 16 April 1987: V Politbyuro TsK KPSS. Po zapisyam
    Anatoliya Chernyaeva, Vadima Medvedeva, Georgiya Shakhnazarova, 1985–
    1991 , pp. 145–6.

  15. T. G. Stepanov-Mamaladze diary, 2–3 May 1987: T. G. Stepanov-Mamaladze
    Papers (HIA), box 5.

  16. From discussion led by E. A. Shevardnadze: T. G. Stepanov-Mamaladze
    working notes, 13 June 1987: ibid., box 1.

  17. Ibid., 29 May 1987; M. S. Gorbachëv to the Political Consultative Committee
    in East Berlin (East German report), 29 May 1987, pp. 2–3: PHPCS.

  18. Ibid., p. 5.

  19. T. G. Stepanov-Mamaladze working notes, 29 May 1987: T. G. Stepanov-
    Mamaladze Papers (HIA), box 1.

  20. Politburo meeting, 30 May 1987, pp. 493–502: Dmitri A. Volkogonov Papers
    (HIA), reel 17.

  21. Politburo meeting, 9 July 1987: Anatoli Chernyaev Papers (RESCA), box 1,
    pp. 261–2.

  22. From discussion led by E. A. Shevardnadze: T. G. Stepanov-Mamaladze

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