The End of the Cold War. 1985-1991

(Sean Pound) #1


  1. Interview with George Shultz, 18 December 2002, p. 27: RROHP.

  2. C. Hill, notes on ‘1987: Shultz-Gates meeting after Gates became acting DCI’,
    pp. 14–15 and 16, for G. Shultz, Turmoil and Triumph, folder: Soviet Union,
    1986–1987, Charles Hill Papers (HIA), box 67.

  3. Ibid., p. 17.

  4. Whence the Threat to Peace, pp. 3, 29, 68, 70 and 74.

  5. R. Z. Sagdeev and A. Kokoshkin, Strategic Stability under the Conditions of
    Radical Nuclear Arms Reductions, p. 21.

  6. Congressional Record – House, 17 July 1985, pp. 5866–5883.

  7. W. J. Casey, speech to Dallas World Affairs Council, 18 September 1985,
    pp. 1–17: RRPL, John Lenczowsky Files, box 1, Active Measures.

  8. A. A. Snyder, Warriors of Disinformation: American Propaganda, Soviet Lies,
    and the Winning of the Cold War: An Insider’s Account, p. xiii.

  9. Chapter and verse was supplied in a USIA memo, ‘Soviet Disinformation
    Campaigns in 1987’, n.d., pp. 1–4: John O. Koehler Papers (HIA), box 16,
    folder: Eastern Europe, 1974–1995. See also ‘The USSR’s Disinformation
    Campaign’: Foreign Affairs Note, State Department, July 1987: Citizens for
    International Civil Society (HIA), box 89, folder 1. The Pravda cartoon
    appeared on 31 October 1986.

  10. Snyder, Warriors of Disinformation, pp. 93–4.

  11. Ibid., pp. 94–5.

  12. New York Times, 22 January 1983.

  13. P. J. Buchanan to R. Arledge (President, ABC News), 27 February 1987:
    RRPL, Presidential Handwriting File: Presidential Records, folder 230.

  14. C. Wick to F. Carlucci, 7 March 1987: RRPL, Frank C. Carlucci Files, box
    92463, Official Correspondence.

  15. F. C. Carlucci to C. Z. Wick, 12 August 1987: ibid., Fritz W. Ermath Files, box
    92244, Soviet Active Measures.

  16. V. L. Kataev (interview), HIGFC (HIA), box 2, folder 4, p. 53.

  17. A. L. Adamishin Papers (HIA), box 1: Diaries 1987, 25 July 1987.

  18. R. Reagan to R. C. McFarlane, no earlier than 28 July 1985: RRPL, Co-
    ordination Office, NSC: Records, box 9, folder: Meeting with Suzanne
    Massie, 9/3/85; S. Massie, Trust But Verify: Reagan, Russia and Me, pp. 90 and

  19. The Reagan Diaries, p. 412 (20 May 1986).

  20. S. Massie to R. Reagan, 10 August 1985, pp. 2–3: RRPL, Coordination Com-
    mittee, NSC, box 9, folder: Meeting with Suzanne Massie, 9/3/85.

  21. S. Massie to R. Reagan, 27 October 1985: Jim Mann Papers (HIA), box 55.

  22. S. Massie to R. Reagan, 12 March 1986: RRPL, Coordination Office, NSC:
    Records, box 12, folder: Meeting with Suzanne Massie, May 20, 1986.

  23. Charles Hill, diary (24 September 1986): Molly Worthen’s notes.

  24. F. Carlucci (interview), HIGFC (HIA), box 1, folder 10, p. 14.

  25. F. Carlucci to R. Reagan, 25 February 1987 (RRPL): Jim Mann Papers (HIA),
    box 56.

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