The End of the Cold War. 1985-1991

(Sean Pound) #1


  1. Ibid., p. 6.

  2. Ibid., p. 9.

  3. Ibid., p. 10.

  4. First meeting (led by C. Crocker and A. L. Adamishin), 29 May 1988
    (memcon), p. 5: RRPL, Fritz W. Ermath Files, box 92084, 1988 US–Soviet
    Memcons, May 26 – June 3, 1988.

  5. Ibid., p. 2.

  6. Second meeting (led by P. Solomon and V. Polyakov), 29 May 1988 (memcon),
    pp. 4 and 6: ibid.

  7. C. Crocker, first meeting (led by C. Crocker and A. L. Adamishin), 30 May
    1988 (memcon), p. 3: ibid.

  8. Second meeting (led by P. Solomon and V. Polyakov), 30 May 1988 (memcon),
    pp. 4–14: ibid.

  9. Third meeting (led by P. Solomon and V. Polyakov), 30 May 1988 (memcon),
    p. 4: ibid.; meeting between C. L. Powell and Yu. Dubinin (Washington,
    memcon), 29 April 1988, p. 8: ibid.

  10. Yu. Alekseev and P. Solomon, third meeting (led by P. Solomon and V.
    Polyakov), 30 May 1988 (memcon), pp. 5–6: ibid.

  11. Ibid.

  12. See S. F. Akhromeev’s comments at meeting of F. C. Carlucci and D. Z. Yazov
    (Moscow), 30 May 1988, p. 3: ibid.

  13. The Reagan Diaries, p. 613 (29 May 1988).

  14. Ibid., p. 614 (31 May 1988).

  15. First private meeting of R. Reagan and M. S. Gorbachëv, 29 May 1988
    (memcon), pp. 6 and 8: RRPL, Fritz W. Ermath Files, box 92084, 1988
    US–Soviet Memcons, May 26 – June 3, 1988.

  16. Second private meeting of R. Reagan and M. S. Gorbachëv, 31 May 1988
    (memcon), pp. 4–5: ibid.

  17. The question was put by Sam Donaldson of ABC: see J. Mann, The Rebellion
    of Ronald Reagan: A History of the End of the Cold War, p. 304. I. Korchilov
    offers a slightly different wording in Translating History, pp. 168–9.

  18. G. P. Shultz, interview with T. Brokaw, Moscow, 31 May 1988: Committee on
    the Present Danger (HIA), box 112, folder: Shultz 1987–1989.

  19. T. G. Stepanov-Mamaladze diary, 1 June 1988: T. G. Stepanov-Mamaladze
    Papers (HIA), box 5; The Reagan Diaries, p. 614 (1 June 1988).

27: Calls to Western Europe

  1. J. Attali, Ve r b a t i m, vol. 3: Chronique des années 1988–1991, p. 43 (conver-
    sation between R. Reagan and F. Mitterrand, 19 June 1988).

  2. Ibid., pp. 67–8 (20 July 1988).

  3. Attali, Ve r b a t i m, vol. 2: Chronique des années 1986–1988, p. 103 (conver-
    sation of H. Kohl and F. Mitterrand, 27 June 1986).

  4. See above, p. 193.

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