The End of the Cold War. 1985-1991

(Sean Pound) #1

British National Oil Company, dismantling
of (1985) 180
Brokaw, Tom 270–1
Brown, George (Congressman) 369–70
Brutents, Karen 391
Brzezinski, Zbigniew 26, 243, 345, 410,
Buchanan, Pat 263
Buckley, William F., Jr 18, 139, 222, 342
Bulgaria 61, 73, 151–2, 316, 400, 414
Bush, Barbara 363
Bush, George H. W. 123, 354, 358
and August 1991 coup against
Gorbachëv 490–1
background and political career 363–4
and Baltic states 452, 456, 458–9, 460,
461, 493
and Camp David summit (1990) 442–4
and Chinese–US relations 389
cutting of military budget and reducing
troops and weaponry 493
and Eastern Europe 404, 416
and Ermath’s review of foreign policy
371–2, 374
and German reunification 404, 414,
and Gorbachëv 4, 5, 356, 374–5,
420–1, 442, 488, 492–3
and Helsinki summit (1990) 463–4
and Iraq’s invasion of Kuwait (1990)
463, 464, 473, 476, 480
and Lithuania 476
and Malta summit (1989) 420–4
marriage 363
and nuclear disarmament 366, 368–9,
374, 404, 445, 486, 493
and Poland 404
reluctance to give direct financial
assistance to USSR 442, 449,
488, 493–4
Soviet policy 364–5, 368, 376, 377, 417,
488, 497
and Strategic Defense Initiative 368
sworn in as President (1989) 363
and Thatcher 365
and Ukraine 489

as Vice President 37–8, 322
viewpoint on perestroika 372
visit to China (1989) 380
visit to Poland (1987) 322
Bush, George W. 499
Bykaŭ, Vasil 453

Cambodia 147, 177, 297, 379, 381
Camdessus, Michel 493
Camp David summit (1990) 442–4
Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament
(CND) 99–100
Canada 91, 266
Carlucci, Frank 191, 265, 277, 295–8, 327,
341, 343
Carrington, Lord 193
Carter, Jimmy 2, 13, 14, 84, 85
Casaroli, Cardinal 21, 33, 69, 419
Casey, Bill 40–2, 114, 139, 144, 170, 171,
175, 176, 189, 229, 260, 262, 339
Castro, Fidel 25, 98, 316, 329, 395–6, 396,
398, 421
Ceauşescu, Nicolae 62, 66, 72, 74, 75, 147,
152, 159, 162, 187, 316, 319–20, 323,
403, 405, 424–5, 429, 497
censorship in USSR 77–80
Central Committee see under Communist
Party of the Soviet Union
Central Intelligence Agency see CIA
Cervetti, Gianni 95
Chakovski, Alexander 58
Chalupa, Leopold 26, 30
Chebrikov, Viktor 51, 128, 129, 246, 272,
344, 348
Cheney, Dick 372, 439, 493
Chernavin, Vladimir 350
Chernenko, Konstantin 55, 103, 103–5,
107, 109–10, 111, 119, 122, 123
Chernobyl power station disaster (1986)
3, 185, 187, 189, 197, 205
Chernyaev, Anatoli 124, 128, 206, 293–4,
303, 307, 337–8, 346, 418, 447, 474
Chervov, Nikolai 144, 276
Chilean communism see Communist Party
of Chile
China 22, 61, 93–4, 147, 499
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