The End of the Cold War. 1985-1991

(Sean Pound) #1

and withdrawal of troops from East
Germany 448, 450
and world communist movement
390–1, 398–9
and Yeltsin 322, 435, 483
Gorbachëva, Raisa 121–2, 212, 247,
253–4, 271, 299, 312, 355–6, 447–8,
478, 485, 487, 492
Gordievski, Oleg 146, 258, 304
grain embargo, lifting of (1981) 41, 47,
Grenada, US invasion of (1983) 89
Grey, Earl 16
Grinevski, Oleg 163, 203–4, 237
Grishin, Viktor 119–20
Gromov, Boris 337
Gromyko, Anatoli 97
Gromyko, Andrei 14–15, 55, 57, 57–8, 95,
133, 208
and Afghan War 150, 330, 332–3
and arms control talks 115
becomes Chairman of the Supreme
Soviet 129–30
criticism of Gorbachëv’s arms
reduction stance 227, 242
and Czechoslovakia 75
easing out of the Politburo by
Gorbachëv 347–8
and Gorbachëv 111, 119, 120, 129,
and Ministry of Foreign Affairs 45–6,
57, 105–7
and Poland 70, 108
visit to US (1984) 109
Grósz, Károly 327, 401, 409
GRU (Main Intelligence Administration)
28, 46

Haig, Alexander 35–6, 37, 41, 71
Hall, Gus 14, 96
Hannaford, Pete 16, 17
Hart, Gary 237
Hartman, Arthur 17, 170, 237
Havel, Václav 430, 444
Healey, Denis 100, 306
Helms, Jesse 153, 293, 295

Helsinki Final Act (1975) 6, 66, 127
Helsinki summit (1990) 463–4
Heritage Foundation 35
Heston, Charlton 209
Hill, Charles 145, 169, 214, 256
Hinckley, John 19
Holland, Stuart 100
Honecker, Erich 73–4, 88, 108, 132, 152,
159, 182, 187, 240, 316–18, 320,
401–2, 408–9, 451
Hong Kong 382
Howe, Geoffrey 140, 146, 306–7, 308, 333
Hoxha, Enver 75
human rights
in United States 207
in USSR 1, 6, 97, 102, 113, 148, 153,
154, 167, 173, 207, 230, 236–7,
245, 250, 266, 345, 355, 357, 403
Humphrey, Gordon 115–16
Hungary 76, 187, 188, 316–19, 327, 367,
401, 409, 414, 431
Hurd, Douglas 469, 484
Husák, Gustáv 66, 75, 123, 159, 187, 240,
316, 317, 319, 324
Hyett, Nell 100

Iklé, Fred 15, 31
Iliescu, Ion 398, 429
intelligence 258–61
Inter-Departmental Working Group
(‘Little Five’) 134
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty
301, 341, 437
negotiations 285–8
savings made by 368
Senate and Supreme Soviet ratification
of 293, 295, 296
signing of 299, 307
International Department see under
Communist Party of the Soviet
International Fund of Assistance 391
International Harvester Company 70–1
International Monetary Fund 76
Iran 384
Iran–Contra scandal (1986) 235, 243, 339
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