The End of the Cold War. 1985-1991

(Sean Pound) #1

Kristol, Irving 35
Kryuchkov, Vladimir 194, 260, 267, 333,
335, 337, 338, 348, 393, 430, 434,
459, 467, 475, 479, 486, 490, 491
Kukliński, Ryszard 29–30
Kulikov, Viktor 28, 68
Kuwait, Iraqi invasion of (1990) 463–4,
473, 476, 479–80

Labour Party (Britain) 100
Lance nuclear missiles 244, 284, 373
Landsbergis, Vytautas 454, 455, 459, 460,
461, 485–6
Lange, David 92
Latvia 435, 452, 453, 455–6, 458, 480, 485
Lenin, Vladimir 78, 252, 263
Li Peng 380, 381, 386, 388
Libya 184, 186, 394–5
Ligachëv, Yegor 112, 128, 129, 141, 225,
242, 322, 332, 345–6, 359–60, 400,
Lithuania 8, 79, 80–1, 420, 435, 443, 452,
454–6, 476, 482, 483, 485
blockade initiated by Gorbachëv on
(1990) 460–1
demand for independence 455,
459–61, 483
Jews in 81
relations with USSR 455
restrictions on number of foreigners
entering 81–2
setting up of popular front (Sajūdis)
454, 455
suspension of independence
declaration 461
and the Vatican 80, 302
Vilnius massacre (1991) 483
Yakovlev’s visit to (1988) 454–5
Little Five see Inter-Departmental Working
Long-Term Grain Agreement 161, 216
Lungren, Dan 262

MacEachin, Douglas 260
McFarlane, Robert 44, 114, 144, 146, 153,

McLennan, Gordon 182
McNamara, Robert 39
Madison Group 35
Main Intelligence Administration see GRU
Main Military Council (USSR) 409
Major, John 472, 484, 494
Malta summit (1989) 375, 416, 417, 418,
420–5, 428, 458
Marchais, Georges 96, 97
Marxism-Leninism 53, 63, 78, 107, 112,
266, 267, 498
Maslyukov, Yuri 61, 141, 275, 327
Massie, Suzanne 264–5
Matlock, Jack 139, 174, 192–3, 258, 347,
358–9, 404, 417, 438–9, 456, 480
Mazowiecki, Tadeusz 405–6, 407
Medvedev, Vadim 162, 282, 406, 457, 458,
476, 490
Meese, Ed 18, 42, 198
Melnikov, Alexander 425–6
Mengistu, Haile 393, 394
Mensheviks 269
MI6 258
Middle East 297
Militaru, Nicolae 323, 428–9
Mitchell, George 416
Mitkin, Nikolai 454
Mitterrand, François 7, 49, 85, 151, 160,
175, 302, 365, 407, 414
and German reunification 427, 428
and Gorbachëv 154, 310–11
and nuclear disarmament 123–4, 200,
224, 301
and Strategic Defense Initiative 148–9,
301, 310
and Thatcher 222–3
visit to Moscow (1984) 110–11
visit to Moscow (1986) 200
visit to Moscow (1988) 310–11
Mladenov, Petar 414, 424
Modrow, Hans 413, 424, 451
Moiseev, Mikhail 350, 431, 436, 446
mole, false (American) see Matlock, Jack
Mondale, Walter 109
Mongolia conference (1988) 390
Morning Star (newspaper) 391
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