The End of the Cold War. 1985-1991

(Sean Pound) #1


Poland (Cont.)
Gorbachëv’s visit to Warsaw (1986)
Gorbachëv’s visit to Warsaw (1988)
government talks with Solidarity and
legal status given to (1989) 400,
introduction of martial law by
Jaruzelski (1981) 21, 69–70
John Paul II’s visit to (1987) 302, 321–2
Solidarity revolution and repression of
21, 67–70, 108, 322, 325–6
and Soviet preparations for nuclear war
strikes and political protests (1988)
Thatcher’s visit to (1988) 308
and USSR 21, 66–7, 326
winning of election by Solidarity and
new government formed (1989)
401–7, 409
Polish United Workers Party 67, 108
Politburo see under Communist Party of
the Soviet Union
political reform, internal (USSR) 119–27,
128–37, 236, 260, 269, 272, 273, 314,
322, 344, 348, 351–2, 359, 370–1,
386, 398, 403, 475–6, 482–3, 484,
political right 14, 153, 181, 217, 222, 266,
296, 352, 358–9
Ponomarëv, Boris 75, 95–6, 97, 104, 127,
popular front 435
Powell, Charles 306
Powell, Colin 266, 282, 295, 343
Pozner, Vladimir 263
Primakov, Yevgeni 46, 119, 449, 463, 464,
470, 471, 473
Prokofev, Yuri 469
propaganda 9, 14, 21, 103, 148, 158, 180,
181, 191, 261, 375
US 20, 263–4
USSR 63, 79, 94, 96, 169, 195, 236,
267–8, 275

see also disinformation campaigns;
Communist Party of the Soviet
Union: Propaganda Department;
United States Information
Propaganda Department see under
Communist Party of the Soviet
Pugo, Boris 453, 491
Putin, Vladimir 498, 499

Qian Qichen 379
Quad, The 90
Quale, Dan 293
quarantine, cultural and informational
(USSR) 77–83
lifting of 272–3
see also under censorship in USSR;
jamming, radio and TV; travel
permits (USSR)

Radio Free Europe 79, 262, 454
radio jamming see jamming, radio and TV
Rakowski, Mieczysław 326, 404, 405, 409
Ratushinskaya, Irina 17
Razumovski, Georgi 482
Reagan, Nancy 13, 109, 212, 253, 299
Reagan, Ronald 2, 13–23, 496
acting career 13, 16
addresses to the nation 44, 155
and Afghan War 329, 330, 335
anticommunism and anti-Soviet
rhetoric 18–19, 43–4, 49, 52,
216, 250, 294, 342
appearance and character 13–16,
17–19, 34–6, 85, 209–10, 217–8,
attempted assassination of (1981) 19,
background 13–14
and China 47, 93–4
contribution to end of Cold War 4, 102
critics of rapprochement with USSR
demand for Berlin Wall to be pulled
down 353
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