The End of the Cold War. 1985-1991

(Sean Pound) #1

and withdrawal of Soviet forces from
East Europe question 325, 355,
Shevardnadze, Nanuli (wife) 131, 254
Shevchenko, Arkadi 17
Shishlin, Nikolai 326
Shmelëv, Nikolai 376
Shultz, George 7, 15, 36–8, 42, 44, 109,
123, 144–5, 354
and Afghan War 329, 333–4
and ‘age of information’ 256–7
appointed Secretary of State 36
and Carlucci 343
character and attributes 36–7
and CIA 260–1
and Conference on Security and
Cooperation 357
foreign policy 177
and Gorbachëv 138, 139, 255–6
and Gorbachëv’s declaration on nuclear
weapons 173–4, 177
hands in resignation and withdraws it
and Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces
Treaty negotiations 285, 288,
289–90, 292, 293
meetings with Gorbachëv 153, 250–1
and Moscow summit (1988) 296–7
as Nixon’s Treasury Secretary 36, 37
and nuclear disarmament and arms
control negotiations 114–16,
145, 169, 188, 229–30, 244,
and Reagan 159, 249
and Reykjavik summit 209, 212, 213,
216, 218, 224
and Strategic Defense Initiative 186,
192, 239
talks and relationship with
Shevardnadze 205–6, 254–5, 364
tour of Europe’s capitals (1985) 162
and trade relations with USSR 140
and US–Soviet relations 48, 102–3
visit to Moscow (1988) 279
and Washington summit (1987) 291–2
and Weinberger 38, 42, 116, 197, 202,

238–9, 250
Shultz, O’Bie 253, 254, 364
Siberian oil and gas pipeline 41, 49
Sitaryan, Stepan 447, 450, 472
Slovo, Joe 97
Slyunkov, Nikolai 482–3
Snow, C. P. 58
Sofaer, Abe 239, 240
Sokolov, Sergei 127, 128, 135, 247, 330,
Solidarity 21, 67–9, 108, 152, 302, 322,
401, 405–6, 409
Solomentsev, Mikhail 20, 112, 346
Solovëv, Yuri 358
South Africa 297, 391, 392
South African Communist Party 97
South Korean passenger plane, shooting
down of (1983) 49–50, 92
South Kuriles 379–80
spies see espionage
spy networks see espionage
SS-20 missiles 50, 84, 99, 141, 148, 208,
245, 290
SS-23 missiles (‘Oka’) 283–4, 373, 437
Stalin, Joseph 1, 53, 121
Stanishev, Dmitri 72–3
Star Wars movie series 44
Star Wars programme see Strategic Defense
State Department (US) 7, 36, 37, 42, 46,
48, 70, 140, 174, 190, 193, 202, 211,
231, 239–40, 260–1, 272, 294,
327–8, 340, 342, 357, 377, 384, 471,
474 see also Baker, James; Haig,
Alexander; Shultz, George
Stepanov-Mamaladze, Teimuraz 39, 136,
356, 466, 478
Stockholm talks 162, 168, 183, 237
Stoph, Willi 74, 318
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) 4, 42,
44–5, 61, 89–90, 108–9, 115, 127,
138, 145, 149, 156, 171, 191–5, 274–7
and Bush 368
and Gorbachëv 138–9, 151, 153, 156,
157, 180–1, 191, 194–6, 200, 214,
215–17, 226, 244, 276–7, 293
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