The End of the Cold War. 1985-1991

(Sean Pound) #1


Van Cleave, William 15
Varennikov, Valentin 98, 105, 141, 142,
164, 165, 283, 334, 337, 490
Vatican 33, 69, 89, 454 see also John Paul
II, Pope
Vatican Radio 79
Velikhov, Yevgeni 32, 61, 193–4, 195, 196,
275, 276
Vetrov, Vladimir 258
Vietnam 379, 380–1, 382
Vietnam War 337
Voice of America 272
Vorontsov, Yuli 130, 183, 330
Votkinsk installation 282

Waigel, Theodor 446–7, 448, 450
Wałesa, Lech 21, 69, 302, 308, 322, 400,
Warner, John 39
Warsaw Pact 1, 8, 25, 71–2, 86, 246, 317–
18, 352, 444, 446
dissolution of (1991) 483, 495
Washington summit (1987) 270, 271, 277,
282, 290–5, 323, 342
Weinberger, Caspar 18, 37, 38–41, 48, 139,
170, 176, 339–41
anti-rapprochement with Soviets 39,
character 38
and Falklands War 89
and Geneva summit 155, 211
and Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces
Treaty negotiations 285, 289
and nuclear disarmament 39, 170, 171,
189, 228–9, 340
political career 38
and Reagan 38, 197
reform of Defense Department (US)
resignation (1987) 287, 340–1
on selling advanced technology to the
USSR 39–40
and Shultz 38, 42, 116, 197, 202,
238–9, 250
and Strategic Defense Initiative 45,
145, 192, 198, 228–9, 238–9,

240–1, 287, 340
and US–Russian relations 102–3
wanting economic sanctions against
USSR 70–1
West German Defence Ministry 26
West Germany 74, 85, 352–3
demilitarized corridor between East
Germany idea 99
economic miracle 87
and nuclear weapons 87
Reagan’s visit (1987) 320–1
relations with East Germany 316–17
relations with Eastern Europe 88, 151
relations with US 86–7
relations with USSR 87–8, 182, 304,
309, 309–10
Shevardnadze’s visit (January 1988)
Soviet gas pipeline proposal 87–8
see also German reunification;
Germany; Kohl, Helmut
Western Europe, policy towards
Eastern Europe 66–73, 91, 227–8, 240,
316, 319, 321, 322–3, 324, 400,
403, 422,
United States 31, 50, 84, 90–1, 147,
151, 366
USSR 48, 100, 174, 182, 225, 268,
Whence the Threat to Peace 261
Whitehead, John 239–40
Wick, Charles 262, 264
Will, George 210, 222
Wolf, Markus 318
Workers’ Party of Ireland 391
world communism 93–101, 390, 498
subsidizing of by USSR 391–2
World Peace Council 99
Wörner, Manfred 428, 446
Wyman, Jane 13

Yakovlev, Alexander 119, 128, 131–3, 135,
202, 281, 312, 327, 346, 359, 393,
404, 449, 462, 476, 484
advocate for drastic reform 133, 359
and Afghanistan 337–8
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