Vue.js and Webpack
Above Within the
component, go to the script
section and then change
the title string
Right You’ll need to add a
logo and background image
to the assets directory
At the very top of our component we have the
<template> tag. This is where all of our markup will
go. Within the class div that we left in, go ahead and
add in the markup shown. One thing you’ll notice
is that we’ve used the BEM naming convention on
classes and IDs. However, you don’t have to abide to
that, using the standard naming convention is fine.
Then you’ll need to add a logo and background image
to the assets directory. Lastly we used what is called
text interpolation using the “Mustache” syntax
(double curly braces). This data binding at its basic
form enables us to bind data to the Vue instance.
<header class=”header”>
<div class=”header__logo-box”>
<a href=”index.html”>
<img src=”../assets/imgs/logo.svg” alt=”Outdoors
Logo” class=”header__logo”>
<div class=”header__text-box”>
<h1 class=”heading-primary”>
<span class=”heading-primary--main”>
{{ title }}
<span class=”heading-primary--sub”>
{{ subTitle }}
<a href=”#” class=”btn btn--white btn--
animated”>Discover Vue</a>
One of the great things about using Single File
Components is the ability to add our CSS straight
into the component, which is only specific to that
component. So for instance, if you split up your
application into three different components, such
as the Header, Sidebar and Footer, you can just
add the CSS that styles the header into the Header
component and add the CSS that styles the sidebar
into the Sidebar component and so on. We can make
sure our CSS is specific to that component by adding
in the keyword scoped as shown. Plus we also need to
specify what CSS preprocessor we will be using and
in our case it’s Sass/scss.
<style lang=”scss” scoped>
Because we’re using Sass, we’ve created a few
variables to use and to help keep our file structure
clean, we’ve stored these in their own file located
in a folder called Sass. We can (as normal) use the
@import rule to pull in this file. Or you can simply add
them at the top. Plus we want to use a Google font
called ‘Lato, so we can import that in too. ’
// header gradient
$blueGradient: rgba(103, 188, 223, .8);
$lightGreen: rgba(188, 219, 183, .9);
$pinkGradient: rgba(217, 105, 142, .8);
$midGreen: rgb(85, 197, 122);
$darkGreen: #28b485;
$white: #fff;
$mainFontColor: #777;
$font: ‘Lato’, sans-serif;
@import “sass/_variables.scss”;
@import url(“
We can start off by adding in our main background
image. This will be given the maximum view height
so it’s responsive to the browser window. We will
then add in a nice gradient overlaying our image
using our variables. Then we can nest our logo rules
and position that top left. There is an animation
property included but we will go over that in a
later step.
.header {
position: relative;