Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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  1. See Chapter 1.

  2. See C. E. Merriam Jr., History of the Th eory of Sovereignty since Rousseau (New
    York: Columbia University Press,, 1900), 130– 57.

  3. John Austin, Th e Province of Jurisprudence Determined (London: Weidenfeld
    and Nicholson, 1955 [1832]), 193.

  4. Ibid., 141– 43.

  5. Ibid., 140– 41. See also Brian C. Schmidt, Th e Po liti cal Discourse of Anarchy: A
    Disciplinary History of International Relations (Albany: State University of New York
    Press, 1998), 64– 66, 102– 7.

  6. William Edward Hall, A Treatise on International Law, 3rd ed. (Oxford: Claren-
    don Press, 1890), 1– 2.

  7. Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., “Natural Law,” 32 Harvard L. Rev. 40– 44 (1918), 42.

  8. Ibid.

  9. Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr., Th e Common Law (Boston: Little, Brown, 1881), 1.

  10. See J. B. Schneewind, “Autonomy, Obligation, and Virtue: An Overview of
    Kant’s Moral Philosophy,” in Paul Guyer, ed., Th e Cambridge Companion to Kant,
    309– 41 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992).

  11. David Hume, A Treatise of Human Nature (London: Penguin, 1969 [1739– 40]),

  12. See, for example, Georg Schwarzenberger, Th e Inductive Approach to International
    Law (London: Stevens, 1965). On Schwarzenberger, see Chapter 10.

  13. For use of the term “voluntarism,” see Georg Schwarzenberger, Power Politics:
    An Introduction to the Study of International Relations and Post- War Planning (Lon-
    don: Jonathan Cape, 1941), 41; Gerhart Niemeyer, Law without Force: Th e Function of
    Politics in International Law (Prince ton, NJ: Prince ton University Press, 1941), 332;
    and Charles de Visscher, Th eory and Reality in Public International Law, 2nd ed.
    (Prince ton, NJ: Prince ton University Press, 1968), 52– 54. Th e fi rst use of the word as a
    technical philosophical term has been credited to the German sociologist Ferdinand

  14. See Chapter 5.

  15. New York Trust Co. v. Eisner, 256 U.S. 345 (1921), 349.

  16. On the pragmatist tradition in that period, see Chapter 5.

  17. See A. de La Pradelle, Maîtres et doctrines du droit des gens, 2nd ed. (Paris: Édi-
    tions internationales, 1950), 201– 10.

  18. Henry Wheaton, Elements of International Law (Philadelphia: Carey, Lea and
    Blanchard, 1836), 45– 48.

  19. See La Pradelle, Maîtres et doctrines, 195– 99.

  20. A.- G. Hefft er, Le droit international public de l’Eu rope, trans. Jules Bergson
    (Berlin: E.- H. Schroeder, 1857), 4– 5.

  21. Richard Wildman, Institutes of International Law, vol. 1 (London: William Ben-
    ning, 1849), 1– 5.

  22. See La Pradelle, Maîtres et doctrines, 211– 18.

Notes to Pages 223–228 517

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