Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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  1. Quoted in W. M. Curtiss, Th e Tariff Idea (Irvington- on- Hudson, NY: Founda-
    tion for Economic Education, 1953), 63.

  2. George Washington, “Farewell Address,” in Ruhl J. Bartlett, ed., Th e Record of
    American Diplomacy: Documents and Readings in the History of American Foreign
    Relations, 4th ed., 86– 88 (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1964 [1796]), 87. (Emphasis in
    the original.)

  3. Frédéric Bastiat, “Peace and Freedom or the Republican Bud get,” in ‘Th e Law,’
    ‘Th e State,’ and Other Po liti cal Writings, 1843– 1850, trans. Jane Willems and Michel
    Willems, 282– 327 (Indianapolis, IN: Liberty Fund, 2012 [1849]), 317.

  4. Jacob Viner, “Th e Intellectual History of Laissez Faire,” 3 JLE 45– 69 (1960), 61.

  5. Ferdinand Tönnies, Community and Civil Society, trans. José Harris and Mar-
    garet Hollis (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001 [1887]), 243.

  6. France– Great Britain, Cobden- Chevalier Treaty, Jan. 23, 1860, 121 CTS 243.

  7. See Stephen C. Neff , Friends but No Allies: Economic Liberaism and the Law of Na-
    tions (New York: Columbia University Press, 1990), 38– 71; and Emmanuelle Jouannet,
    Th e Liberal- Welfarist Law of Nations: A History of International Law, trans. Christopher
    Sutcliff e (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012), 50– 57.

  8. Jean Bodin, On Sovereignty: Four Chapters from the Six Books of the Common-
    wealth, ed. and trans. Julian H. Franklin (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
    1992), 39– 42.

  9. See Chapter 5.

  10. Elihu Root, “Th e Basis of Protection to Citizens Residing Abroad,” 4 AJIL 517–
    28 (1910), 521.

  11. Edwin M. Borchard, Th e Diplomatic Protection of Nationals Abroad; or, Th e Law
    of International Claims (New York: Bank, 1915), 39– 40.

  12. F. de Martens, Traité de droit international, vol. 1 (Paris: A. Maresq, 1883), 14– 15.

  13. Pasquale Fiore, “Some Considerations on the Past, Present and Future of Inter-
    national Law,” 6 ASIL Procs. 15– 36 (1912), 22– 24. See also Martti Koskenniemi, Th e
    Gentle Civilizer of Nations: Th e Rise and Fall of International Law 1870– 1960 (Ca m-
    bridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001), 54– 57.

  14. Samuel Flagg Bemis, Th e Latin American Policy of the United States: A Historical
    Interpretation (New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1943), 412, n. 40.

  15. See Leonidas García, “La doctrina Tobar,” 1 Revista de la Sociedad ‘Jurídico-
    Literaria’ 25– 71 (1913).

  16. General Treaty of Peace and Amity, Dec. 20, 1907, 206 CTS 63, Additional Con-
    vention, art. 1.

  17. Sec’y of State Bryan, Circular, Nov. 7, 1913, [1913] FRUS 856.

  18. Carlos Calvo, Le droit international théorique et pratique, vol. 2, 3d ed. (Paris:
    Pedone- Lauriel, 1880), 225– 26.

  19. See Donald R. Shea, Th e Calvo Clause: A Problem of Inter- American Interna-
    tional Law and Diplomacy (Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Press, 1955).

Notes to Pages 271–277 523
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