Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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  1. Scot t, Hague Peace Conferences, vol. 1, 169; and Dickinson, Equality of States,
    183– 84.

  2. Scot t, Hague Peace Conferences, vol. 1, 170.

  3. Walther Schücking, Th e International Union of the Hague Conferences, trans.
    Charles G. Fenwick (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1918 [1912]), 209– 22; and Frederick
    Sherwood Dunn, Th e Practice and Procedure of International Conferences (Baltimore:
    Johns Hopkins University Press, 1929), 123– 34.

  4. Schück i ng, International Union, 215.

  5. Declaration Prohibiting the Discharge of Projectiles from Balloons, Oct. 18,
    1907, 205 CTS 403.

  6. Hague Convention III on the Opening of Hostilities, Oct. 18, 1907, 205 CTS

  7. Hague Convention V on Neutrality in Land Warfare, Oct. 18, 1907, 205 CTS
    299; and Hague Convention XIII on Neutrality in Maritime War, Oct. 18, 1907, 205
    CTS 395.

  8. Hague Convention IX on Naval Bombardment, Oct. 18, 1907, 205 CTS 345.

  9. Hague Convention XI on Certain Restrictions on Naval Capture, Oct. 18, 1907,
    205 CTS 367.

  10. Hague Convention VI on the Status of Enemy Merchant Ships at the Outbreak
    of Hostilities, Oct. 18, 1907, 205 CTS 305; Hague Convention VII on the Conversion
    of Merchant Ships into Warships, Oct. 18, 1907, 205 CTS 319; and Hague Convention
    VIII on Automatic Submarine Mines, Oct. 18, 1907, 205 CTS 331.

  11. Declaration of London, Feb. 26, 1909, 208 CTS 338.

  12. See Chapters 1 and 2.

  13. See Chapter 5.

  14. Westlake, International Law, vol. 1, 368.

  15. Lyons, Internationalism, 355.

  16. For a list of international lawyers active as arbitrators, and the arbitrations in
    which they participated, see Lachs, Te a c h e r, 183, n. 55.

  17. International Convention for the Pacifi c Settlement of Disputes, July 29, 1899,
    187 CTS 410.

  18. Quoted in James Brown Scott, “Th e Proposed Court of Arbitral Justice,” 2 AJIL
    772– 810 (1908), 780.

  19. Frederick W. Holls, Th e Peace Conference at the Hague and Its Bearings on In-
    ternational Law and Policy (New York: Macmillan, 1900), 285– 86.

  20. Hague Convention XII on the Establishment of an International Prize Court,
    Oct. 18, 1907, 205 CTS 381.

  21. Th ese were Aust r ia- Hu nga r y, Br ita i n, Fra nce, Ger ma ny, Ita ly, Japa n, Rus sia ,
    and the United States.

  22. T. E. Holland, “Proposed Changes in Naval Prize Law,” 5 Proceedings of the
    British Academy 145– 60 (1911– 12), 148– 49.

  23. Draft Convention for a Court of Arbitral Justice, 2 (supp.) AJIL 29– 43 (1908).

534 Notes to Pages 326–332

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