Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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1927, in Feller, Mexican Claims Commissions, 502– 10; Mexico- Spain, Claims Con-
vention, Nov. 25, 1925, in ibid., 521– 25. On the Belgium- Mexico Convention, see
ibid., 28, 43.

  1. Panama- U.S.A., Convention of July 28, 1926, 138 LNTS 119.

  2. Siam- U.S.A., Treaty of Amity and Commerce, Dec. 16, 1920, Protocol Concern-
    ing Jurisdiction, 6 LNTS 292.

  3. Japan- Siam, Treaty of Commerce and Navigation, Mar. 10, 1924, 31 LNTS 188,

  4. See Francis Bowes Sayre, “Th e Passing of Extraterritoriality in Siam,” 22 AJIL
    70– 88 (1928).

  5. France- Turkey, Capitulations, May 28, 1740, 36 CTS 41.

  6. Treaty of Sèvres, Aug. 10, 1920, in Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,
    Treaties of Peace 1919– 1923, vol. 2 (New York: Carnegie Endowment for International
    Peace, 1924), 787, art. 261.

  7. Treaty of Lausanne, July 24, 1923, 28 LNTS 11, art. 28.

  8. Montreux Convention, May 8, 1937, 182 LNTS 37.

  9. Wesley R. Fishel, Th e End of Extraterritoriality in China (Berkeley, CA: Univer-
    sity of California Press, 1952), 109– 26.

  10. Circular to Foreign Legations at Tehran, May 10, 1927, in John W. Wheeler-
    Bennett, ed., Documents on Foreign Aff airs 1928 (London: Oxford University Press,
    1929), 200.

  11. Belgium- China, Preliminary Treaty of Amity and Commerce, Nov. 22, 1928, 87
    LNTS 287, art. 2.

  12. Fishel, End of Extraterritoriality, 109– 29, 145– 49; and Th omas F. Millard, Th e
    End of Extraterritoriality in China (Shanghai: A.B.C. Press, 1931), 78– 102.

  13. Treaty of Berlin, July 13, 1878, 153 CTS 171, art. 44.

  14. On minority protection, see André Mandelstam, “La protection des minorités,”
    1 RdC 363– 519 (1923).

  15. See Treaty of St.- Germain- en- Laye, Sep. 10, 1919, 226 CTS 8, arts. 62– 69; Treaty
    of Neuilly, Nov,. 27, 1919, 226 CTS 332, arts. 49– 57; Treaty of Trianon, June 4, 1920,
    Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Tre a t i e s o f Pe a c e, vol. 1, 457, arts. 54–
    60; and Treaty of Lausanne, July 24, 1923, 28 LNTS 11, arts. 37– 44.

  16. Allied Powers– Poland, Minorities Treaty, June 28, 1919, 225 CTS 412; Treaty of
    St.- Germain- en- Laye with Czech o slo vak i a, Sep. 10, 1919, 226 CTS 170, arts. 7– 14;
    Treaty of Peace Regarding Yugo slavia, Sep. 10, 1919, 226 CTS 182, arts. 7– 11; Allied
    Powers– Romania, Minorities Treaty, Dec. 9, 1919, 226 CTS 447; and Greece– League
    of Nations, Treaty on Protection of Minorities, Aug. 10, 1920, 28 LNTS 244.

  17. Greece- Turkey, Convention Concerning the Exchange of Populations, Jan. 30,
    1923, 32 LNTS 75.

  18. Germany- Poland, Convention on Upper Silesia, May 15, 1922, in Karl Strupp,
    ed., Documents pour server à l’ histoire du droit des gens, 2nd ed., vol. 4 (Berlin: H.
    Sack, 1923), 719, arts. 64– 158.

Notes to Pages 358–360 539

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