Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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Index 605

Boissonade, Gustave, 315
Bolívar, Simon, 263
Bolivia, 352
Bonaparte, Napoleon, 210
Bonet, Honoré, 84– 85, 89, 102
Bonfi ls, Henry, 258– 259, 264, 292– 293,
311, 351
Boniface VIII, Pope, 57, 58– 59
Bonnot, Gabriel. See Mably, Gabriel
Bonnot, Abbé de
Bonn School, 239
Borchard, Edwin, 273– 274, 391, 394, 429
Bosnia, 445
Boulding, Kenneth, 456
Bourgeois, Léon, 291
Bourquin, Maurice, 414– 415
Bouvet, Honoré. See Bonet, Honoré
Boxer Rebellion, 337
Brazil, 111, 223, 317, 324, 326, 348
Brezhnev Doctrine, 407– 409, 410, 444
Briand, Aristide, 361. See also Pact of Paris
Brierly, James, 381– 382, 401, 421
Britain. See Great Britain
Brownlie, Ian, 416, 419, 451
Brussels projet. See War, conduct of
Budapest Articles of Interpretation, 393,

  1. See also Pact of Paris
    Buddhism, 37– 38
    Buergenthal, Th omas, 423
    Buero, Antonio, 348
    Bughat, 99– 100
    Bulgaria, 58, 296, 324, 349, 359– 360,
    406– 407
    Bulls, papal: Ausculta fi li, 57; In coela
    domini, 106; Dum diversas, 109;
    Romanus Pontifex, 109; Inter Caetera
    (1456), 109; Inter caetera (1493), 110;
    Sublimis Deus, 118 – 119. See also
    Catholic Church; Papacy, Catholic
    Burke, Edmund, 221
    Burlamaqui, Jean- Jacques, 177, 195
    Burma, 433
    Bush, George H. W., 444
    Bynkershoek, Cornelius van, 192– 193, 196,
    213, 221
    Byzantine Empire, 87, 94, 98, 105, 106,

Callixtus III, Pope, 109
Calvo, Carlos, 228– 229, 246, 276– 277, 306,
307, 338, 363. See also Calvo Clause;
Calvo Doctrine
Calvo Clause, 277
Calvo Doctrine, 276– 277, 338, 434
Canada, 130, 246, 304, 437, 441
Cannon- shot rule, 204– 205
Canon law, 53– 54, 60, 73, 82, 83, 116, 118,
14 4, 223
Capitulations: Ottoman, 316, 358; Persian,

  1. See also Consular jurisdiction;
    Extraterritoriality; Mixed courts,
    Carnegie, Andrew, 301, 333– 334
    Carnegie Endowment for International
    Peace, 302, 363, 372, 387
    Carnegie Institution of Washington, 301– 302
    Caroline incident, 246– 247
    Carr, E. H., 392
    Cartagena, Alfonso de, 108– 109
    Cartazes, 132
    Cartier, Jacques, 130
    Cassese, Antonio, 471
    Cassin, René, 402
    Catholic Church, 51, 52, 282; and
    natural- law revival, 378. See also Bulls,
    papal; Canon law; Christianity;
    Constance, Council of; Crusades;
    Lateran Council; Lyon, Council of;
    Papacy, Catholic; Sanctions:
    Cecil, Robert, 352– 353
    Central African Republic, 450
    Central American Court of Justice,
    333– 334, 354
    Cession of territory, 129– 131
    Ceylon, 433
    Chad, 477, 478
    Chamberlain, Neville, 390
    Chardin, Teilhard de, Pierre. See Te i l h a r d
    de Chardin, Pierre
    Charlemagne, 53, 98
    Charles II (of En gland), 166
    Charles IV, Emperor, 76
    Charles V, Emperor, 120, 148, 150
    Charles d’Orléans, 86

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