Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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Index 615

decline of, 144, 147– 150; Grotius on, 164;
contrasted with mainstream positivist
view of war, 254– 255; and U.S. “non-
belligerency,” 394. See also Dilatatio
theory; Just- war ideas, ancient; Just- war
ideas, modern
Just- war ideas, ancient, 7, 9– 10; in Rome,
9– 10, 31– 34; in Sumer, 14; in China, 20,
23; in Greece, 27– 29. See also Just- war
doctrine, medieval; Just- war ideas,
Just- war ideas, modern, 191, 206– 208, 210,
231, 312– 313; Reagan Doctrine, 409;
Vyshinsky Doctrine, 422. See also
Just- war doctrine, medieval; Just- war
ideas, ancient; National liberation,
wars of
Kaltenborn, Carl von, 264, 293
Kambanda, Jean, 449– 450
Kant, Immanuel, 187– 189, 199, 225, 240,

  1. See also Neo- Kantianism
    Karl Ludwig (of Rhineland Palatinate), 175
    Kaufmann, Erich, 239, 256, 339, 365,
    380– 381, 387, 389, 415
    Kautilya, 16, 25
    Kellogg, Frank, 355– 356, 361
    Kellogg- Briand Treaty. See Pact of Paris
    Kelsen, Hans, 367– 371, 372, 376, 379, 380,
    388, 389, 397– 398, 398– 399, 415, 418,
    419, 421, 451, 456, 465. See also Vienna
    Kennedy, David, 459, 460, 461
    Kent, James, 307
    Kenya, 450– 451, 477
    Khitan, state of, 41
    Kingsbury, Benedict, 458
    “Kingship,” Sumerian, 13– 14, 18
    Kipling, Rudyard, 334
    Kissinger, Henry, 471– 472
    Klabbers, Jan, 454
    Klüber, Johann Ludwig, 217
    Knights of St. John, 106
    Kong Futze. See Confucius
    Koo, Wellington, 348, 392– 393, 415, 451
    Korea, 40, 299, 325, 335; North, 344.
    See also Korean War

Korean War, 404, 444
Korovin, Yevgeny A., 383– 385, 405,
407– 408, 421, 451
Koskenniemi, Martti, 459, 460, 465
Kosovo crisis, 439; in de pen dence
declaration, 437– 438; NATO bombing,
473– 474
Kovalev, Sergei, 407, 408, 409, 444
Krylov, Serge, 401, 414, 419–420
Kuo, 40– 41. See also Equality of states,
principle of; In e qual ity of states
Kushan Empire, 37– 38
Kuwait crisis, 444
Lagash, 14
Laissez faire, 205– 206, 270, 456. See also
Freedom of trade; Liberalism
Lammasch, Heinrich, 304, 324, 325, 336,
339, 347
Lansing, Robert, 306, 347, 349, 350
La Pradelle, Albert Jouff re de, 295– 296,
297, 303, 348, 349
Lars Tolumnius, 9, 441
Las Casas, Bartolomé de, 120– 123, 125
Lasson Adolf, 238– 239, 250, 347, 365
Lasswell, Harold, 377– 378, 424, 428– 430,
431, 451, 452
Lateran Council: Second, 83– 84, 320;
Th ird, 83, 106; Fourth, 106
Lausanne, Treaty of, 350, 356, 358
Lauterpacht, Hersch, 372– 373, 382, 392,
393, 397, 398, 401, 403, 413, 414, 415,
421– 422, 422– 423, 447, 451
Law merchant, medieval, 80, 86– 87, 201
“Law of nations” (expression), 45, 139, 156,
158, 160, 161, 170 – 171, 173. See also
“International Law” (expression); Ius
gentium; Voluntary law of nations
Law of the sea: in medieval Eu rope, 80– 82;
in early modern Eu rope, 203– 205;
conventions on, 413, 440– 441; Inter-
national Tribunal for the, 446, 464.
See also Freedom of the seas; “Free ships
make free goods” doctrine; Letters of
marque; Piracy; Privateering; Prize law;
Visit and search on the high seas; War,
conduct of: maritime
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