Justice among Nations. A History of International Law - Stephen C. Neff

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Index 627

Walz, Gustav Adolf, 388, 389
War, conduct of: in ancient India, 16– 17;
in ancient China, 20– 21; in ancient
Greece, 27– 29, 35; in medieval Eu rope,
73, 83– 86; in the Islamic world, 95, 96;
in early modern Eu rope, 149– 150;
Grotius on, 159, 165; Pufendorf on,
176– 177; pragmatist writers on, 191– 192;
Vattel on, 198; Grégoire on, 209;
maritime, 212– 213; Lieber Code, 303,
323; Declaration of St. Petersburg, 320;
Institute of International Law codes,
323; Brussels projet, 323, 324– 325;
Hague Rules, 324– 325, 327; Hague
declarations and Conventions concern-
ing, 325, 327– 328; chemical weapons,
325, 361; aerial, 361; nuclear weapons,
442– 443. See also Geneva Conventions;
Nuremberg Trials; Tactics, prohibited;
Tokyo Trials; War crimes; Weapons,
War, declarations of, 32– 33, 84, 149,
164– 165, 171, 208, 315, 336; Hague
Convention on, 327
War, legal conceptions of: in Sumer, 14;
in ancient China, 20; in ancient Greece,
26, 27; ius gentium and, 48, 64, 148; in
medieval Eu rope, 51, 56– 57, 58– 59; in
Islamic world, 96– 97, 98, 99; Grotius
on, 163– 165; anarchy as, 169, 188; in
mainstream positivism, 253– 256, 361,

  1. See also Just- war doctrine,
    medieval; Just- war ideas, ancient;
    Just- war ideas, modern; Mea sures short
    of war; Self- defense
    War, mea sures short of. See Mea sures short
    of war
    War, resort to, in League of Nations
    Covenant, 352. See also Aggression;
    Just- war doctrine, medieval; Just- war
    ideas, ancient; Just- war ideas, modern;
    Mea sures short of war; Pact of Paris;
    Use of force, prohibition against; War,
    declarations of
    War crimes, 402, 472; in ancient Greece,
    28– 29; aggression as, 349; in World War
    I, 349– 351; in World War II, 397, 398,

399; in Yugo slavia civil wars, 439, 448;
International Criminal Court and, 450;
sexual violence, 463, 464; universal
jurisdiction over, 469. See also Aggres-
sion: as an international crime; Crimes
against humanity; Crimes against the
peace; Geneva Conventions; Genocide;
War, conduct of
Ward, Robert, 209– 210
Wars: Persian, 10; Peloponnesian, 27– 29;
Th irty Years War, 139, 143; French
Revolutionar y, 207– 208, 210, 211– 212,
222; Franco- Prussian, 298, 314;
Crimean, 299, 312, 319; American Civil
War, 299, 329; World War I, 300, 302,
339, 349 – 351; Opiu m, 312– 313, 316, 335;
Sino- Japanese, 314– 315, 317; Russo-
Japanese, 315; World War II, 344,
346– 347, 393– 394, 400; Korean, 404,

  1. See also Civil wars; Kuwait crisis
    Washington, George, 1– 2, 196, 271– 272
    Washington, Treaty of, 298– 299, 329
    Washington Rules, 299, 329
    Weapons, prohibited: poisoned weapons,
    17, 165, 198; barbed weapons, 17;
    crossbows, 83– 84, 320; exploding
    bullets, 320; expanding (dum dum)
    bullets, 325; asphyxiating gases, 325, 361
    Weber, Joha n n Wol fga ng. See Textor,
    Johann Wolfgang
    Webster, Daniel, 219, 247
    Weil, Prosper, 417– 418, 419, 451
    Wells, H. G., 343, 430
    West, Benjamin, 130
    Western Sahara. See Spanish Sahara
    Westlake, John, 229, 246, 300– 301, 303,
    304, 305, 307, 330, 347, 351
    Westphalia, Peace of, 139– 140, 188, 207, 347
    Wharton, Francis, 302– 303, 304
    Wheaton, Henry, 228, 246, 263, 304, 306,
    307; translations of, 229, 313, 314
    Wildman, Richard, 228
    William II (of Germany), 239, 306, 350
    William of Ockham, 222, 223
    Wilson, Edward O., 12
    Wilson, Woodrow, 275, 347, 352– 353, 371,

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