International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Treaty of Alliance between the Holy Roman Emperor and Great Britain (Treaty of Westminster)

Agreement about them, and fhew an amicable Difpofition on
both Fides.
VI. It is agreed, that no other Prince or Power fhall be invited
or admitted into this Alliance, unlefs by the unanimous and
mutual Confent of the Allies, and in fuch Manner as fhall be
ftipulated and agreed between them.
VII. But whereas nothing is more defir’d by either Ally, than
(this Treaty being made) to fecure by mutual Affiftance the
common Safety, and preferve inviolable the publick Peace ; and
there being no Doubt but the Mighty States-General of the
United Provinces of the Netherlandsare difpos’d moft readily to
affift and promote, by their Acceffion, fo ufeful and fo neceffary
a Work, ’tis therefore now thought fit, not only willingly to
admit the faid States General into this prefent alliance, but to
invite them amicably without Delay, to enter into it.
VIII. This Treaty fhall be ratify’d within the Space of fix
Weeks, or fooner, if poffible.
In Witnefs whereof the Plenipotentiaries as well of his Sacred
Imperial and Catholick Majefty as of his Sacred Royal Majefty
ofGreat Britain,have figned thefe Prefents with their Hands,
and Set their Seals thereto.Done atWeftminfter on the 25th Day
of the Month ofMay,in the Year of our Lord One thoufand feven
hundred and fixteen.

(L. S.) Otto Chriftophorus, Comes Volkra.
(L. S.) Joannes Pbillippits Hoffman.

(L. S.) W. Cant.
(L. S.) Cowper C.
(L. S.) Sunderlund C. P. S.
(L. S.) Devonfhire.
(L. S.) Marlborough.
(L. S.) Roxburghe.
(L. S.) Orford.
(L. S.) Townfhend.
(L .S.) James Stanhope.
(L. S.) R. Walpole.

Separate Article.

It is farther agreed, that if, in Procefs of Time, War fhould break
out between his Sacred, Imperial, and Catholick Majefty, and
the OttomanEmpire, the Treaty of Alliance concluded this Day
with his Sacred and Royal Majefty ofGreat Britain,fhall not be
deem’d in any wife to relate or extend thereto ; nor fhall War
with the Turks,(Reafon of State fo requiring) be underftood to
be a Cafe intended by this Treaty. In Witnefs whereof, the
Plenipotentiaries of his Sacred, Imperial, and Catholick Majefty,
and of his Sacred and Royal majefty ofGreat Britain,have fign’d
this feparate Article with their Hands, and fet their Seals thereto.
Done atWeftminfter on the twenty fifth Day ofMay,in the Year of
our Lord One thoufand feven hundred and fixteen.

This feparate Article was fign’d by the fame Perfons as
the foregoing Treaty.

Additional, Separate, and Secret Article.
WHEREAS it is the principal Scope and Intention of the Treaty
of Alliance concluded the laft Year between his Sacred Imperial,
and Royal Catholick Majefty, and his Royal Majefty ofGreat
Britain, that the Union and Friendfhip betwixt their faid
Majefties, may be bound in the clofeft Engagements that are
poffible, and that, on every Occafion that offers, they may
mutually promote each other’s Intereft, and may faithfully and
fincerely fecure themfelves againft all Enemies whhtfoever: And
whereas, fince the Conclufion of the faid Alliance, many of his
BritannickMajefty’s Rebel-Subjects have come into feveral of
the Hereditary Provinces of his Imperial and Catholick Majefty,
whereby they found Means and Opportunity of carrying on a
pernicious Correfpondence with other ill-affected and feditious
Inhabitants ofGreat Britain,and ufe all their Endeavours to ftir
up a new Rebellion in the faid Kingdom; whence both the Gov-
ernment of his BritannickMajefty, and the Tranquillity and
Repofe of his faithful Subjects, may be continually difturb’d by
thefe fecret Factions and Confpiracies, to their very great Detri-
ment, It is therefore declar’d by thefe Prefents, on the Part of his
Imperial and Royal Catholick Majefty, that he will grant no
Entertainment, Refuge, or Paffage, under any Pretext whatfo-
ever, within his Hereditary Provinces fituated in Germany,and
the Auftrian Netherlands,to his BritannickMajfety’s Rebel-Sub-
jects, who are or fhall be declar’d fuch, nor to the Perfon, com-
monly call’d, the Pretender. As likewife his Royal Majefty of
Great Britaindoth promife that he never will grant any Paffage,
Entertainment, or Refuge, to the Rebel-Subjects of his Imperial
and Royal Catholick Majefty, who are or fhall be declar’d fuch,
within his Kingdoms ofGreat Britain,and Provinces of the
RomanEmpire. Wherefore it is on both Sides provided that
they will mutually compel the aforefaid Rebel Subjects to depart
out of the faid Kingdoms and Provinces within the Space of
eight Days, form the Time that the Minifter of him, whofe Sub-
jects thofe Rebels are reputed, fhall have made fuch Application
to his faid Imperial Majefty, or his Royal Majefty, in the Name of
his Mafter. In Witnefs wherof, we the Commiffioners and
Plenipotentiaries of his Sacred, Imperial, and Royal Catholick
Majefy, and of his Sacred Royal Majefty ofGreat Britain,by
Virtue of our Full Powers refpectively (the Copies whereof are
added at the End of this Article) have fign’d this Inftrument
with our Hands. Done atVienna the firft Day of the Month of
September,in the Year One thoufand feven hundred and feven-
(L.S.) Philippus Lud. C. Sinzendorff.

(L.S.) A. Stanyan.
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