International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Quadruple Alliance of 1718

the faid conditions, fhall rather perfift in the profecuting of his
hoftilities againft his Imperial Majefty : or if the king of Sardinia
fhould with arms attack the provinces which the emperor poff-
effes in Italy ; in that cafe their Britannick and moft Chriftian
Majefties, and the lords the States General, oblige themfelves
inftantly to furnifh his Imperial Majefty for his defence, with
the fuccours, which, in virtue of the treaty this day figned, they
have mutually agreed to lend one another for their reciprocal
defence : and that jointly or feparately, and without waiting the
expiration of the two months otherwife prefixed in the faid
treaty, for the employing of friendly offices. And if the fuccours
fpecified by the faid treaty fhould not be fufficient for the end
propofed, the four contracting parties fhall immediately agree
amongft themfelves to fend more powerful affiftance to his
Imperial Majefty.
XII. The eleven foregoing articles are to be kept fecret by his
Imperial Majefty, their Britannick and moft Chriftian Majefties,
and the States General, for the fpace of three months, from the
day of the figning, unlefs it fhall be unanimoufly agreed by
them to fhorten or prolong the faid term : and though the faid
eleven articles be feparate from the treaty of alliance, this day
figned by the four contracting parties aforefaid, they fhall nev-
erthelefs have the fame power and force, as if they had been
word for word inferted therein, fince they are deemed to be an
effential part thereof.
The ratifications thereof fhall moreover be exchanged at the
fame time, as the other articles of the faid treaty.
In witnefs whereof we the underwritten, by virtue of the full
powers this day mutually exhibited, have fubfcribed thefe
feparate articles, and thereto have affixed our feals. Done at
London the in the year 1718.

Signed as before.

WE having feen and confidered the feparate and fecret articles
above-written, have approved, ratified, and confirmed, as by
thefe prefents, we do for us, our heirs and fucceffors, approve,
ratify, and confirm the fame, &c.



WHEREAS the treaty, this day made and figned between his
Imperial Majefty, his Britannick Majefty, and his moft Chriftian
Majefty, containing (as well fuch conditions as have been
thought moft equitable and proper for eftablifhing a peace
betwixt the emperor and the Catholick King, and betwixt the

faid emperor and the king of Sicily, as the conditions of an
alliance made for preferring the publick peace between the faid
contracting powers) hath been communicated to the high and
mighty lords the States General of the United Netherlands: and
whereas the feparate and fecret articles likewife figned this day,
and containing the meafures which it has been thought fit to
take for putting the abovefaid treaty in execution, are likewife
fhortly to be propoted to the States General aforefaid. The Incli-
nation which that republick has fhewn for reftoring and
eftablifhing the publick tranquillity leaves no room of doubt
but they will moft readily accede thereto. The States General
aforefaid are therefore by name inferted as contracting parties
in the faid treaty, in moft certain hope that they will enter
therein, as foon as the ufual forms of their government will
But, if contrary to the hopes and wifhes of the contracting
parties (which neverthelefs is not in the leaft to be fufpected)
the faid lords the States General fhall not take their refolution to
accede to the faid treaty ; it is exprefsly agreed and covenanted
between the faid contracting parties, that the treaty abovemen-
tioned and this day figned, fhall neverthelefs have its effect
among them, and inall in all its claufes and articles be put in
execution in the fame manner as therein is fet forth, and the rat-
ifications thereof fhall be exhibited at the times above fpecified.
This feparate article fhall have the fame force as if it had been
word for word inferted in the treaty this day concluded and
figned, and fhall be ratified in the fame manner, and the inftru-
ments of ratification fhall be delivered within the fame time,
with the treaty itfelf.
In witnefs whereof we the underwritten, by virtue of the full
powers this day mutually exhibited, have figned this feparate
article, and thereto have affixed our feals. Done at London the
in the year 1718.

Signed as before.

BUT if the lords the States General of the United Netherlands
fhould happen to think it too hard for them to contribute their
fhare of pay to the Swifs Cantons, for maintaining the garrifons
of Leghorne, Porto-Ferraio, Parma, and Placentia, according to
the tenor of the treaty of alliance this day concluded ; it is expref-
sly provided by this feparate article, and agreed between the four
contracting powers, that in fuch cafe the Catholick King may
take upon him the faid fhare of the lords the States Generals.
This feparate article fhall have the fame force as if it had been
word for word inferted in the treaty this day concluded and
figned, and fhall be ratified in the fame manner, and the inftru-
ments of ratification fhall be delivered within the fame time,
with the treaty itfelf.

22d of Julv O.S.2d of Aug. N.S.

22d of Julv O.S.2d of Aug. N.S.
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