International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

Treaty of Alliance between the Holy Roman Emperor and Russia

made for what may have been done contrary to the faid treaty
of Oliva ; and in order thereunto, their faid Majefties will, in
concert together, inform themfelves by their Minifters in
Poland, of the infractions that may have been made of the faid
treaty of Oliva, and of the means by which the fame may be
redreffed, in fuch way as may entirely fecure the public tranquil-
ity againft the dangers to which it might be expofed, fhould fo
folemn a treaty as that of Oliva be infringed.


IF out of refentment, on account of fuccours which his moft
Chriftian Majefty may furnifh to his Britannick Majefty and to
his Pruffian Majefty, to fecure them from the difturbance which
they might fuffer in the territories they poffefs, the empire
fhould declare war againfl his faid moft Chriftian Majefty ; as in
this cafe fuch a declaration would as well affect the moft ferene
King of Great Britain, and the moft ferene King of Pruffia,
whole interefts would be the occafion of fuch a war, as his moft
Chriftian Majefty ; they not only will fordear to furnifh their
quota in troops, or in any other kind of fuccours whatever, even
though their faid Britannick and Pruffian Majeflies fhould not
be comprehended and named in the declaration of war which
the empire fhould make againft France, but they will even act in
concert with his moft Chriftian Majtfty, until the peace dif-
turbed on that occafion be reftored; his faid Britannick Majefty
exprefsly promifing, moreover, to execute in fuch cafe the
treaties he has concluded with his moft Chriftian Majefty, who
on his part promifes faithfully to obferve the fame.


IF it fhould happen, that, notwithftanding his moft Chriftian
Majefty’s firm refolution to obferve exactly all his treaties with
regard to the empire, in thofe things in which there has been no
derogation therefrom by the prefent treaty, it fhould be
attempted on the part of the empire to take any refolution
againft France, to the prejudice of the general guarantee of pof-
feffions, as it is ftipulated by the treaty figned this day ; his Bri-
tannick Majefty and his Pruffian Majefty promife in fuch cafe to
employ their good offices, credit, and authority, the moft effec-
tually they (hall be able, either by their own votes, and thofe of
the princes in friendfhip with them at the diet, or by all other
proper means, to prevent any thing being done contrary thereto
: and if againft all expectation and notwithftanding all their
endeavours, war fhould be declared againft France, on the part
of the empire, although in this cafe the fame being no longer a
defenfive one, they might not by its conftitutions be obliged to
furnifh any quota; yet to remove all doubt between their faid
Majefties, if they fhould think they could not be difpenfed with
from performing their duty as members of that body, their faid
Britannick and Pruffian Majefties do referve to themfelves the
libertias of furnifhing their quotas foot or horfe, of their own
troops, or of fuch as they fhall take into their pay from any other
prince, at their own choice ; and their Britannick and Pruffian

Majefties fhall not, on account of fuch furnifhing their quotas,
be deemed to have acted contrary to the treaty figned this day,
which fhall contine in all its force: their Britannick and Pruffian
Majefties promifing not to furnifh in fuch cafe any other or
greater number of troops againft his moft Chriftian Majefty,
than what they are obliged to find for their quota; and that they
will in other refpects perform, in the cafes forefeen, their
engagements to his faid moft Chriftian Majefty, who on his part
fhall not on account of the faid quota exercife any hoftility
againit the territories and fubjects of the faid moft ferene King
of Great Britain, or the faid moft ferene King of Pruflia, in the
empire, or elfewhere ; nor demand, or pretend to any contribu-
tions, forage, quarters, paffage or other things at the charge of
the faid countries and territories, on any pretence whatfoever.
In like manner, it fhall alfo not be lawful for the faid territories,
places, countrief, and fubjects, to furnifh any of the faid things
to the enemies of his moft Chriftian Majefty; who does alfo
oblige himfelf and promife on his part, that if in the empire
refolutions fhould come to be taken, like to thofe that are men-
tioned in this article, to the prejudice of the Kings of Great
Britain and Pruffia, his moft Chriftian Majefty will openly take
their pare, .and will not fail to affift them with all neceffary
vigour, in puriuance of this treaty, until the difturbances,
wrongs, and infractions, fhall entirely ceafe.
Thefe feparate articles fhall be of the fame force, as if they
had been inferted word for word in the treaty this day con-
cluded and figned: they fhall be ratified in the fame manner,
and the ratifications therefore fhall be exchanged at the fame
time as the treaty. In witnefs whereof, we have figned thefe arti-
cles, and have fet thereto the feals of our arms. Done at Hanover
the third of September 1725.

(L. S.) Townfhend.
(L. S.) Broglio.
(L. S.) Wallendrodt.

2.1068 Treaty of Alliance between the Holy

Roman Emperor and Russia

Alliance Members:Holy Roman Emperor and Russia
Signed On:August 6, 1726, in the city of Vienna
Alliance Type:Defense Pact (Type I)
Source:Consolidated Treaty Series,vol. 32, p. 285.

In August 1726, Russia signed an alliance with the Holy Roman
Emperor, vowing mutual assistance in war and promising not to make
peace with an aggressor of one of the parties without mutual consent.
The alliance also incorporated Russia into the Treaty of Vienna, pitting
Russia against France, which had been trying to check against the rise
of the Russian Empire in eastern Europe.
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