International Military Alliances, 1648-2008 - Douglas M. Gibler

(やまだぃちぅ) #1
Treaty of Alliance among Denmark, France, and Great Britain

of the motion of the Mufcovite troops, or of thofe of any other
power whatfoever, that fhall come to attack Slefwick, and trou-
ble the quiet and tranquillity of the Lower Saxony.
X. His Danifh Majefty having given his Britannick Majefty to
underftand, that, being engaged by this prefent treaty to march
a confiderable body of troops into the Lower Saxony, his mar-
itime provinces will lie expofed to the enterprizes of his ene-
mies; his Britannick Majefty being always difpofed to provide,
according to his engagements, as a good and faithful ally, for the
fecurity of the dominions of his Danifh Majefty, promifes and
engages to fend to the fuccour of his Danifh Majefty, upon the
firft advices of the motions of the Mufcovite fleet, which fhall
give juft occafion for fear, a fufficient fquadron of good fhips of
war, to help to cover the fea coafts of His Danifh Majefty, and to
hinder the Mufcovites from attacking the fame.
XI. And although their Britannick and moft Chriftian
Majefties are not obliged to any fixed fuccour for the king of
Denmark ; however, as they defire to keep at a diftance from the
dominions of that prince all invafion, the confequence whereof
would be doubtlefs to kindle the fire of a war in violation of the
treaty of Hanover, as likewife of the treaties of Weflphalia ;
which would oblige them to come to the fupport of their guar-
anties, and to the fuccour of their allies, who might be attacked,
or in danger of being fo; to this end his moft Chriftian Majefty
engages to hold always in a readinefs a body, at leaft, of thirty
thoufand men; which body fhall be deftined, whenever his faid
majefty fhall be required, to march to every place where it fhall
be needful, and as it fhall be agreed, or to make diverfions, or
other operations neceffary for the common advantage, and for
the fecurity of his allies in the empire or in the North; and, at
the fame time, his Britannick Majefty engages to hold likewife
in readinefs another body of troops, which muft not be lefs than
twelve thoufand men, to be deftined, in the fame manner, for
marching every where, as it fhall be needful, and as it fhall be
agreed, either to make diverfions or other operations neceflary
for the fecurity of his allies in the empire or in the North, as the
cafe fhall require.
XII. As the Mufcovites or other troops that may join hem to
come and attack the dominions of the king of Denmark, in
order to take from him the duchy of Slefwick, may endeavour to
pafs through the countries fubject to the king of Pruffia, which
the allies perfuade themfelves that this prince will not fail to
refufe; in cafe therefore, that the Czarina, or any other power
whatfoever, fhould endeavour to force the paffes through the
territories of the king of Pruffia, or attack him, or occafion any
injury or damage to him, by reafon of the refufal which his
majefty might give to the letting the Mufcovites, or other adher-
ents as abovefaid, pafs through his countries ; then the contraft-
ing kings fhall caufe their joint army to march to the fuccour of
the king of Pruffia, and fhall make war upon thofe who fhall
have invaded or troubled him, until the attack and danger fhall
ceafe, and the injury and damage be repaired.
XIII. The ratifications of the prefent treaty fhall be
exchanged at Copenhagen in fix weeks, to be reckoned from the

day of the figning of this treaty, or fooner, if poffible.
In witnefs whereof, we have figned this treaty, and have fet
the feal of our arms thereunto. Done at Copenhagen, this 16th
day of April, in the year 1727.

(L. S.) Glenorchy.

Separate and fecret articles belonging to the
treaty with Denmark, April 16, 1727.
ALTHOUGH his moft Chriftian Majefty might juftly pretend,
that the troops which he takes into his pay ought to take an oath
to him ; however, his Danifh Majefty having refolved to com-
mand in perfon the confederate army, it is agreed, in confidera-
tion of his Danifh Majefty, to rely in that matter on his royal
word, for acting purfuant to the engagements which he has
entered into by the treaty figned this day ; but if it fhould hap-
pen, that his Danifh Majefty fhould change his refolution
abovefaid, and that the contrafting kings fhould find it requifite
to feparate the body of troops, for the advantage of the com-
mon caufe, then the faid troops, in the pay of his moft Chriftian
Majefty, fhall take the oath to him in the ufual form.

  1. As their Britannick and moft Chriftian Majefties have
    made extraordinary efforts for the interefts of the king of Den-
    mark, his Danifh Majefty promifes not to difpofe of any part of
    his troops, either directly or indirectly, contrary to the interefts
    of their Britannick and moft Chriftian Majefties ; and it is
    agreed, that, as long as this treaty lafts, his Danifh Majefty fhall
    not give or fell any part of his troops to any power whatfoever,
    till after the fame has been concerted with their Britannick and
    moft Chriftian Majefties, againft whofe interefts he promifes to
    do nothing ; engaging himfclf likewifc to oppofe, every where,
    where it fhall be needful, every thing that may be done or pro-
    jected contrary thereto, by any power whatfoever ; which their
    Britannick and moft Chriftian Majefties promife reciprocally.

  2. It is agreed, that if his moft Chriftian Majefty fhould defire
    to employ the twelve thoufand men which he pays on the foot
    of nine thoufand, for affairs which having no refpect to the
    fecurity of the king of Denmark fhould only concern the good
    of the fervice of his moft Chriftian Majefty, or that of the
    alliance of Hanover, in fuch cafe the king of Denmark fhall not
    make any difficulty to give them for the fervice of his moft
    Chriftian Majefty ; and a convention fhall be made, for that pur-
    pofe, fix weeks after the demand fhall have been made by his
    moft Chriftian Majefty.

  3. And confidering, that if the Mufcovites fhould come by
    land to penetrate into the North, and trouble the peace of the
    empire, they could not have any other paffage than through the
    territories of Poland ; and, as it cannot be doubted, but that this
    kingdom remembers ftill the diforders which the Mufcovites
    committed there a few years ago, it is agreed, by this prefent
    article, to communicate to the king, and to the republick of
    Poland, the concert which has been formed to hinder their
    entering into the empire, and to invite them to take likewife on

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